I have noticed that all text inserted on HTML textarea’s tags from the forms are placed right on the center, as you see here:
is there a way to align the text to start from the left to the right?
Thank you!!!
]]>I created a widget, selecting Hebrew as the display language in the Widget settings.
The output appears in English, even though I selected Hebrew, and it appears Left-to-Right while Hebrew is an RTL language.
I can correct the ltr alignment via CSS, so that’s not a big issue.
However, the plugin’s text output for things like the “read more” link and the review time that appears between the reviewer name and the review text (for example, “a month ago”) appears in English and not Hebrew. Isn’t that the point of choosing a language?
Could you look into this?
]]>Thank you for this great plugin.
I have an issue – that whenever I don’t use the default style, the digits get flipped (the ones with the tens).
I think the issue might be caused by the fact the my site is RTL (right to left).
I was wondering what custom CSS might fix this?
]]>First of all, thanks for your awesome table!
Second, How can I make it shows on the mobile from left to right in the responsive mode?
I need that the low price will present first.
Thanks, idan
]]>I am copying the full style.css here
[ Redacted ]
]]>Do you have any idea what I could try?