At present it is showing the first 6, but it would be great to show the whole list of 10
Could you please suggest some CSS
Thanks Steve
]]>I notice the text is only takes a maximum length can you try here? and how can I update it?
]]>My website has in the last few months received an absolute barrage of weird contact form entries. They’re quite innocuous, as they contain absolutely nothing other than a bogus email-address, a single name in the text field for their name, and the same first- and surnames in the text field for the subject and textarea field for the message. Innocuous as they may be, they’re still very annoying.
There is no consistent feature that ties these messages together, other than always using a VPN in a eastern european country and the general structure of the entry, so the only effective way of blocking them out is to deny the entire IP-block of a single country, which may of course discriminate against legitimate users in those countries.
I don’t expect any legitimate website visitor using my contact form to only input two words in my contact form, so I would like to request a features to simply be able to filter on length of the input in a text area field.
Here is a screen dump of two such messages, that were caught because they came from a Moldovan IP address.
]]>Thank you for creating this amazing and simple to use plugin. Highly appreciated.
My problem is, that our target in THB currency has 7 digits and the currency symbol gets cut off – whether I position it before or after the value. Could you please help me to fix that?
Thank you in advance for your support.
Best regards,
After I add any new content and click the “Update” button I get “404 error”.
]]>I ran into another issue, sorry…
If the plugin took its dimensions and weight from cart data instead of product data, it would be more-compatible with Woocommerce and the various plugins that might need to alter dimensions and weight (such as if someone was wanting to order 10 feet if steel beam, 12 cu yards of dirt, 2 tons of gravel, etc…)
For example:
accessing woocommerce_get_item_data to grab
in WC_Shipping_RLC.php it appears to instead be reaching back to product data for this.
public function add_package_items_to_request($package, &$request)
$contents = $package['contents'];
foreach ( $contents as $key => $item )
$id = intval($item['variation_id'])?$item['variation_id']:$item['product_id'];
$_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
$product = $_pf->get_product($id);
$request['items'][$key] = array(
'product_id' => $item['product_id'],
'variation_id' => $item['variation_id'],
'quantity' => $item['quantity'],
'origin' => array_key_exists('origin', $package)?$package['origin']:null,
'class' => wc_rlc_get_item_shipping_class($id, $package, $this),
'weight' => $product->get_weight(),
'is_hazmat' => wc_rlc_is_product_hazmat($id),
'length' => $product->get_length(),
'width' => $product->get_width(),
'height'=> $product->get_height()
Knowing the plugin better than I do, is there a quick and simple hook you could recommend for this? I would say that this sort of enhancement as a permanent change could make the plugin play better with others.
]]>I really hope you can help.
I’ve searched the documentation and could not find a way to limit the generated description length to for example 150 characters. Maybe I’ve overlooked it but does anyone know if and how it could be done?
Thanks in advance, Peter