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I’m currently trying to create line graphs using Visualizer but for some reason it comes up with an error saying “All series on a given axis must be of the same data type” but I tried using the exact same CSV file on a Table and it works just fine. At first I was thinking it might be because the CSV has a negative number but now that I tried it on a table it was working just fine.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m wanting to set an attribute to a value that there is no direct shortcode parameter for: vAxis.minValue. I see chart_v_axis, so I need to qualify it further, somehow.
Drawing from another answer you gave, you offered:
You probably want chart_h_axis=”{slantedText: true}”, since there is no hAxis.slantedText attribute for shortcodes.
I tried
chart_v_axis='{"minValue": 0}'
chart_v_axis='{"minValue": "0"}'
chart_v_axis='{minValue: 0}'
chart_v_axis="{minValue: 0}"
The first two just don’t work. The last two give errors.
On this page, the bottom graph uses the first one above, which seems to be the most likely solution to me. Minimum v axis is -40, not 0, as desired.
What’s the correct syntax for these dot properties?
]]>[wp_charts type="line" title="test" width="100%" datasets="104,104" labels="Week 1, Week 2"]
]]>Thanks for your help!
]]>First of all I want to say great tool. Not only with so many features but so easy to use.
I have one question. I amusing line graph and inmy data I have many instances where the value is for several entries. How can I suppress showing of line or data-point for such instances? Basically If there was a 0 value for a certain entry, I want to show the break rather than a data point overlapping the x-axis. Is it possible? Thanks.
]]>It would be great if the Jetpack setting allowed this change (can’t see it if it is already there).