div[id*="ays-survey-container-2"] * {
.ays-survey-answer-label-content > span { font-size: 35px; !important;
but it is not working, any help please
]]>I can’t translate the country names.
I can’t change the spacing/line height between lines (in general, for all multiple choice/dropdown lists). It seems there’s no specific CSS option to change this in dropdown elements?
The “i” from the next item shows through this list.
I can’t change the color of the country name (or national phone extension, although these are more visible).
Is there a way of showing only the flag?
Could you point me to how to get the same line height? To also get for the line height of the texts contained in the toggles, the same line height as the main text, the one visible right away.
Thank you for your time. Regards. Bruno
In this test is set to boxed > 1920 pixels > column is default settings. Both the row and column have margin & padding top/bottom/left/right set to zero.
The paragraph blocks have the margin left/right set to zero and top/bottom set to 16px. The padding set to zero top/bottom/left/right.
The jpg file spells out the test and what worked and didn’t work. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kq8gbm607t1c96595erbt/inspect-1.jpg?rlkey=zoji6zsgc0b55fdacp5z76126&dl=0
Inspect Detail of First Paragraph Block https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u0ogwb9fwelvpct3mav7k/inspect-2.jpg?rlkey=c4ponj5njt62u360zvo3klhjm&dl=0
Inspect Detail of Second Paragraph Block https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1n91qqk2wa5gs25w5adn3/inspect-3.jpg?rlkey=tlkba2r08n29hxe8lvk3rarb6&dl=0
Inspect Detail of Third Paragraph Block https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/564t931k48eta7dxg7u1x/inspect-4.jpg?rlkey=bxgxq9zjp0q18u9mvz83k2hli&dl=0
]]>I’m wondering if there’s a way to increase the line-height along with the font-size property, since it’s causing text to overlap all over the place:
I’m using Elementor Pro, with site-wide styles set and line-heights utilising EM measurements.