Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m just wondering if there is any way to remove the link prefix and create links without them. Some products I am happy to ‘recommend’, but others are simply affiliate links with no recommendation. So I’m thinking I can create categories for ‘recommend’ or ‘blank’ and then rather use the category in the affiliate link if I want to recommend it and just have no category or link prefix for simple affiliate links. Is this at all possible?
]]>I could work around it by just making a new category that includes all links but I’ve got a couple hundred links and there isn’t a way to batch-add categories to them that I’ve found either. =/
Any ideas?
]]>I am making edits to a News Page and have the following goals in mind for this page: I would like to add news stories (from other sources) as links to my news page, such that I would be able to cut and paste these onto our facebook page, that way when someone visits our company’s facebook page, clicks on the link to that story, it arrives on our page and not the website that it came from. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to achieve this?
]]>I’m using Role Scoper to have dynamic contents (posts, links) for different user profiles.
So, all the filtering is based on Categories and Link Categories.
There is no anonymous or subscriber, everybody is Author (except admin of course)
I restricted all Roles until Post Editor for each Category and granted Post Author for Role Group associated to his Category.
It works.
I tried to do the same thing for Link Category :
– I restricted Link Reader & Link Editor for each Category.
– I granted Link Editor for Role Group associated to his Link Category
–> It doesn’t work : the user can create a new Link but he doesn’t see the Link Widget (seems profile filtered)
If I granted Link Reader instead of Link Editor, the user can see the Link Widget, but he can’t create one (it seems normal).
If I try to double check Link Reader & Link Editor, only Link Editor stays checked after validation.
Have you got a solution or a workaround ?
]]>I am now developing the site and upgraed to WP 3.2.1 before continuing.
I added a link category and a link within that link category (ensuring I did actually hit the add link button) and placed the links widget on the sidepanel, however the Links widget dropdown does not contain my new category.
So I go back to the links page and it says I have no links (not even the default blogroll links) ie the links table is empty with the filter set to view all categories.
When looking at the links category page the blogroll indicates it has 7 links. The other category I added indicates it has no links (despite me attempting to add a link twice to this category)
I am using chrome but have also tried the same thing on firefox 3.6.18 with identical results.
I have also disabled all plugins
Can anyone confirm this is a bug – anyone have a similar problem?
]]>There is no way to edit category, link_category, or tag slugs due to global_terms_enabled.
1) What is global_terms_enabled, and what happens if it is disabled in a multisite install?
2) How do I disable it to regain slug-editing functionality?