After the latest update my custom link does not appear as before. Slash after domain is missing. This is a big problem as I use it for 8 different domains with over 70 tables per domain.
<a href=”https://contourdesign.noprodukter/tastatur/”
and it should be like this <a href=””
]]>The post I published had a URL configured of:
I’m not currently using the URL shortener, so wasn’t expecting a short URL, but I was also not expecting the post ID formatted URL.
The post I published was a “Link” post format, if that makes a difference?
Is there anything I can do about this going forwards?
]]>Can’t find anywhere how to noindex Link post format single pages? Because they shouldn’t be indexed by search engines, right?
Please advise.
i would like to find out, before i buy the single website license, that i would be able to use a modal popup from VC as the link to open on mouse click on an image with Amazing hover effects?
Looking forward to your reply
I have a blog with 3 main categories, each category’s link looks like this:
If in the post options i ask the wordpress to display the bottom post info line, at the bottom of the post it shows to which categories/subcategories the post belongs, but the link to the post category is wrong, e.g. in a baking post it goes to:
Because of that extra /category in the url the link does not work.
Example here: or any other post with bottom info displayed.
the blog is in Russian, the link to the category is at the bottom of the post right under the Facebook button.
Has anyone had this problem recently? Where do i change the format of the link to get rid of that extra word in it?
The blog has 3 separate pages set to the “Page with post” template where only this category’s posts are displayed, and links there work fine, if you go to the baking section, the link is, and that’s where it goes. So the problem is only in this bottom of the post info format.
I’ve cleared my cache, re-installed WP and deactivated all of my plug-ins. I don’t know what to do next. Please help!
]]>I’m wondering if any of you know a way to query for WordPress links like you would normally with PHP or using the WP_query?
I was trying something like this:
$my_query = new WP_query('SELECT link_url, link_name, link_target, link_description FROM wp_links WHERE link_visible="Y" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 3');
// I believe my problem is here... I don't know how to capture the queried data in variables...
$name = $post->link_name;
$url = $post->link_url;
$target = $post->link_target;
$description = $post->link_description;
$description = cropsentencepost($description, 200, "...", $name, ' - ');
echo " <div class=\"link\"><a href=\"$url\" target=\"$target\">$name</a><small> - $description</small></div>\n";
This could be way off, but it at least doesn’t give my any error messages. It just doesn’t display the data.
Thanks in advance, any help is really appreciated!