? This page would have a larger version with a description underneath it. Right now, the post_thumbnail is linked to the post via the_permalink()
I dunno, does this make any sense?
]]>Any help would be most appreciated!
]]>If you look at the page
I want users to be able to click the small parts diagram and launch the same page as that linked by the text below the image, rather than just getting a larger version of the thumbnail.
I am not sure whether it makes a difference, but the image and the adjacent price list are in a table one row by two columns, for ease of placement.
Any ideas, please?
Thank you.
]]>Thank you.
]]>I don’t know much about editing the themes in wordpress, can anyone tell me what code I need to change? many thanks
]]>I’m trying to make a image clickable so once clicked it downloads content from my hosting. I have linked the image to a zip file thats on my hosting, But when i save the page and click on the link it adds this URL in front of it automatically:
So my URL looks like this:
I would like to remove the
All other images that are linked are working fine. Just can’t get this one to work.
Hope someone can help!
The images are not set-up on posts or pages. They show up under “My Portfolio.” I was following some instructions to get set-up to this point. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
]]>Example of page in Qn.
]]>thanks in advance dunk
]]>However, it seems as though wordpress has Closed My Topics w/ out allowing anyone to respond. I created another topic and the same thing happened.
The topic is called Subdomains improperly linking images