So can anyone advise on how I can sort this – if it’s possible?
This is the link with the original query, there was a bit of confusion maybe the way I worded it, but it was then cleared up so please read in full –
I also made a graphic of exactly what I mean if this might help – not sure how I can upload an image tho?
]]>I have a query about links in my Posts Page which is obviously my blog page.
When there is a little preview of the blog post and it says [Read more] i.e. before the user clicks the [Read more] the links aren’t clickable. Some of my posts are very short and don’t necessarily need the user to click [Read more], therefore it would be helpful for me if those links were active in that state. Can you advise how I can change the settings to make the links active?
Looking to try and find out ASAP as it’s holding up my plans to post a new blog post.
]]>Here is an example of the text:
The Heat: How China’s film industry could become world’s largest market
*Please note that although the link shows in the post, it does not on the website.
No links are showing to my posts. What code do i need to make WordPress link to my posts and in what file do i have to put the code in?
The theme u can see in the link is created by myself. But i don’t know how to fix this isssue.
All help is really appreciated.
Kind regards.
Is there something I need to do/check?
]]>Ive added two links to my menu on my blog. But they wont show… What am I doing wrong? On my other blog it works perfectly… Ive tried everything, cleaning cache, login and out. nothing will make it work. The adresses I link to is right aswell. But it doesnt work… Help! Im going crazy here
This now shows in my dashboard..
Warning: fopen(/nfs/c03/h05/mnt/47347/domains/ [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/47347/domains/ on line 3493
Warning: fread() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/47347/domains/ on line 3496
Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/47347/domains/ on line 3499
Would be great to get it all working again, your plugin has been brilliant and I would love to continue to use it..
Any solution greatly received..
Oh and the jet pack stat counter no longer displays.. Might be coincidence but I have changed nothing else on the site..