I’ve managed to import a small section of the Coralwatch DB succesfully. 6503 records added, all fields types set to text-line for now, I can see each record in the participants list and all data seems to match it’s field so everything appears to be in place…but…the shortcodes don’t appear to be working for me. I’ve created a page called “test record page” and typed -:
“Coralwatch Data Online
in the visual editor box in wordpress but no list appears on the page. Just the pagination links…Have I missed something? I’m using “Be Theme” plugin to build the rest of the website. When I try to add the shortcode using the the “be theme” tools, empty lined row spaces appear in grey and white alternating (as if a list should be there)?
]]>I have the [pbd_single] on the Individual Record page and List display setting to that page. Any idea why there would be no data once this link is opened?
Thanks in advance for all suggestions.
]]>I would like to be able to have a menu option that when selected provides a list of all the events selected by category. Is that possible with the “amateur” version (rather than the “PRO” version)?
If so, how can I achieve that?
Many thanks,
Yours faithfully,
Ian Smith
]]>There does not seem to be an easy way of controlling the output of the list. I understand that it may be possible to override the formatting using stylesheets but I am not sure why the default should be to splatter loads of extra space into the list formatting.
Can you do anything to make it simpler to control the list output or suggest exactly how this can be achieved? As the stylesheet for the calandar get loaded after my theme’s stylesheet changes there have no effect.