My site has 3 lists and each time a subscriber moves from one list to another the confirmation email is sent. Is there any way ( possibly a short code) to include the name of the specific list they’re subscribing to in the confirmation email?
I would like to update the name of this list, to reflect ‘Customers’ or something similar that does not expose A, we are using WordPress and B, that we are using WooCommerce. Seems like a small thing I know, but I would like this to look as professional as possible.
Mailpoet does not allow for editing of this list by dafult, so any ideas?
]]>EXAMPLE (this doesn’t work):
show [nameanimals] if [your-name] equals “[dog] [cat] [bird]”
EXAMPLE 2 (this doesn’t work):
show [nameanimals] if [your-name] equals “dog, cat, bird”
EXAMPLE 3 (this doesn’t work):
show [nameanimals] if [your-name] equals “dog”
OR if [your-name] equals “cat”
OR if [your-name] equals “bird”
Then I changed the list name, deleted the form, refreshed the lists and created a new form.
However the subsciption email is arriving with the old name of the list. The From: email field has the updated list name but in the email body (h1) there is the old name of the list.
Is it an issue with mailchimp or the some settings in the plugin please?
]]>When I click the submit-button with the mailpoet-items checked but input fields blank (I want to get en error) the label-tags are replaced with the value from the $POST. The checkbox value on initial load is set to ‘mailpoet_list_’ + id (like ‘mailpoet_list_3’). In your plugin on line 95 of mailpoet-signup.php the variable $value is overwritten by the content of the $POST element ($_POST[ $tag->name ]) but thats not the same as de initial name of the Label element.
So why is the initial value, which it get from $tag->values on line 87, replace by the POST value? Its not to get the checkbox checked, thats done by the atts on the form element. Which Is not working properly because its only checking for the default state (line 84) and not if the element is also in the $POST. And even if the form is submitted without an error there is probably still a $POST ‘living’.
Is this a bug or is this my page with multiple forms and multiple mailpoetsignup’s within the form.
Thanx Martin
]]>I have installed the plugin. It’s working very well. But I need something more as I want to show only one list name which is used only for this site, Not all the list.
So how should I do this?
Please suggest!!!
]]>However, I cannot find the shortcode for the List Name (to add it to my page / email).
Can anyone tell me what the shortcode is for List Name?