Thank you for help..
]]>I don’t think it’s in a template – though I may well be wrong – so where else can I find and change that variable?
wp_list_categories('orderby=name&show_count=1&exclude=11, 12, 13, 14, 15'); ?>
In the sidebar.php. It did nothing
Then did:
<div id="category"> <li class="sidebar-spacer"></li>
<li><h2><?php _e('Categories'); ?></h2>
<ul><?php list_cats(0, '', 'name', 'asc', '', 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,'','','orderby=name&show_count=1&exclude=11, 12, 13, 14, 15','','') ?></ul>
In sidebar.php. Did nothing.
]]>How to change the indent on
<?php echo(str_replace('li','p',wp_list_categories('recurse=1&hide_empty=0&title_li='))); ?>
from this version recurse has been deprecated, but i found it very usefull … please can be switched back ? i can rewrite the funcion so that it can be re-implemented, if i do so … to whom i have to send the file ?
]]>list_cats did have the parameter list that could be set to true or false. wp_list_categories doesn’t seem to bother; the style parameter is still unexplained in the codex (TBA) and unlike the description of the parameter title_li suggests, the return seems to always be a good, old list.
I want no list!
Is this really unavoidable?
]]>I’ve been struggling with the Category list – I’ve been looking at Fold Categories plugin, but as it’s based on wp_list_cats, I thought I’d better practise with that first! I’ve read up in the codex, and there’s a lot of posts here, but I don’t seem to be able to make it do what I want.
At the moment, some of my categories have sub-categories, and they’re sorted alphabetically regardless of heirachy. I’d like to have sub-cats show under their parent category.
The original code looks like this:
<?php wp_list_pages(); ?>
<li><?php _e('Categories'); ?>
<ul><?php list_cats(FALSE, ' ', 'name') ?>
I started by replacing list_cats with wp_list_cats, as I find boolean easier than string, with this line:
<?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=id&optioncount=1'); ?>
but at the moment the count goes to another line, so I set that to 0 for now (I assume I need to correct the CSS when I’ve sorted this out). Using wp_list_cats with the defaults seems to give me a random order, rather than heirachical or alpha.
]]>list_cats(false, ”, ‘name’, ‘asc’, ”, false, false, true, true, true, true, 8, 0, false, ”, ”, ”, false);
But I got all categories. It seems the parameter child_of doesn’t work.
I also tried using ‘child_of=8’, failed either.
Anyone can help? Thanks a lot.
and inject the current category into # so I do not have to create a million category pages?
I basically have a static left menu but then wanted to show the subcategories for the category page that I am currently on
— subcategory1
— subcategory2
— subcategory3
— subcategory4
— subcategory5
— subcategory6
I want to limit the number of categories in each list to 8.
Does this require a plugin or a hack?
If possible, it would be nice to have the 8 category links be sorted by name, most popular, or most recent.