EmbedYoutubeLiveStreaming::__set_state(array( 'channelId' => 'XXXXXXXXX', 'API_Key' => 'XXXXXXXXXX', 'jsonResponse' => '{ "kind": "youtube#searchListResponse", "etag": "UBAOiXjvY0CZ7Ub9tJDO9bUtsU8", "regionCode": "US", "pageInfo": { "totalResults": 0, "resultsPerPage": 0 }, "items": [] } ', 'objectResponse' => (object) array( 'kind' => 'youtube#searchListResponse', 'etag' => 'UBAOiXjvY0CZ7Ub9tJDO9bUtsU8', 'regionCode' => 'US', 'pageInfo' => (object) array( 'totalResults' => 0, 'resultsPerPage' => 0, ), 'items' => array ( ), 'fromTransientCache' => true, ), 'arrayResponse' => NULL, 'errorMessage' => NULL, 'errorArray' => NULL, 'isLive' => NULL, 'queryData' => NULL, 'getAddress' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/', 'getQuery' => NULL, 'queryString' => NULL, 'part' => 'id,snippet', 'eventType' => 'live', 'type' => 'video', 'subdomain' => 'www', 'default_embed_width' => '560', 'default_embed_height' => '315', 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777777767909128669998608529567718505859375, 'embed_code' => NULL, 'embed_autoplay' => 'false', 'embed_width' => '720', 'embed_height' => '480', 'show_related' => 'false', 'live_video_id' => NULL, 'live_video_title' => NULL, 'live_video_description' => NULL, 'live_video_publishedAt' => NULL, 'live_video_thumb_default' => NULL, 'live_video_thumb_medium' => NULL, 'live_video_thumb_high' => NULL, 'resource_type' => 'live', 'uploads_id' => NULL, 'channel_title' => NULL, 'completed_video_id' => '', 'resource' => 'search', ))
Please help
]]>I cannot find the plugin I am looking for. I don’t know if there is an effort to create one, or share html as widget from external live video service.
Is there a WordPress enthusiast who has a show or plugin? Is there a way to pay for advertising for someone who has a large audience?
Thank you.
]]>Secondly, is the video cameras limited by IP address? I tried to put on 3 different devices and share video feed but I could only see one feed
]]>I am attempting to view a video stream from my Red5 server using videowhisper on my WordPress website without success.
I’ve created a new WordPress page and used the provided short code [videowhisper_watch channel=”stream1″ width=”100%” height=”100%”] to load the player. When I visit the website I receive the following error from the player:
Entering Video Streaming Interface
Verifying License: OK
Logging in: Channel stream1 not found!
I’ve followed the videowhisper documentation on how to setup and configure my Red5 server. I’ve verified the red5-web.properties file is consistent with the videowhisper documentation.
When I use the videowhisper test application (https://www.videowhisper.com/demos/admin/vw_connectiontester.html), I am able to connect and view stream1.
Am I doing something incorrectly on the WordPress side?
Thanks for your help.
]]>If i add the code the stream does not show or do anything, i can access the stream directly but it will not load via the site,
The code is exported as javascript , the software says enter this code to your website and it will stream,
has anyone done this before,