I’m trying to load a elementor page from my functions.php.
I hook into the init function of wordpress and check the url. If the url is a specific url I want to load an elementor page with page_id
I already tried load_template(locate_template('page.php'))
but that just shows the default theme page without content.
Form Maker Pro Version 2.12.38
I’m unable to load, open, the Submission, Option or Themes pages about Form Maker plugin following my update to WordPress 5.5–fr_FR
I have a wheel that appears on the screen and rolls constantly.
I open my Web site with Chrome Version 84.0.4147.105 (Build officiel) (64 bits)
Same problem with Brave Browser
Do you have a time frame, when Form Maker will be tested with WordPress 5.5. Currently on the Web https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/form-maker/ version 1.13.4 site it is stated that Form Maker has been tested up to version 5.4.2
I have version 2.12.38 developed by WebDorado Form Builder Team. I doesn’t understand why the version displayed on this forum is 1.13.4.
Thank you,
]]>I want to have a content which will load only when i scroll down the page then it will fade in by animation.
I know how to put delay on objects in Elemenator, but what i want is that only when you scroll down it will appear.
For example:
As i load the page ill have the content appear by fading in, and when you scroll down, it will automatically scroll you one full size page down and more content will appear by fading in,
so now you can scroll up you like its a two sized pages, and if you scroll more down another page appear by fading in, so now you have like 3 pages connected together.
but each page (the content) appear only when you scroll down
Even if you tell me what is the keywords i need to search for this as im pretty sure there is a named for that function, it will be enough
]]>any help to fix this issue
]]>I was wondering if the plugin has an option to load on a specific slide.
Lets say I have a slider containing three slides. The slides are in a specific order, but I want to give the users the option to load the page with slide 3 displaying on load.
Is there any way to achieve this?
I tried putting the anchor links of the slides behind the url, but unfortunately this was not working.
Please let me know if this is possible or not.
Would be a major help.
Thanks in advance for a reply.
Best regards,
]]>I’m inserting some custom ads:
<a href="https://www.fujifilm.eu/es?utm_source=footer-fuji-ad&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=fuji" target="_blank"><img width="800" height="663" src="xlogoFUJIFILMX.jpg" alt="" title="logoFUJIFILMX" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);" class="retina-off"></a>
When I click on ad, no page opens. The console log shows this error:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: loadPage
Line of error:
ga('send',{'hitType':'event','eventCategory':'External Affiliate Link','eventAction':'clicked','eventLabel':href,'hitCallback':loadPage});
Should I implement the loadPage function myself?
This is part of my configuration:
I also enable hitCallback to increase event tracking accuracy option. Although neither enable/disabled works.
Could you help me?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. My page is hidden by maintenance. If you need it, I can create a user for you. Excuse my English.
]]>After activating the plugin, WP Listings (Version 1.1.3), the page does not load correctly and displays the message:
santa Eugenia
address Unavailable
Cityname, ST
View Listing
Page: https://santaeugeniasemueve.com/asociaciones/
At the moment the plugin is disabled, if you need to see it with the plugin enabled please let me know.
Why is this happening?
Thank you!