on my dashboard i can’t click anything in the content area. The navigation bar on the left and top are working, but drop downs in the main area are not responding (but displayed). In the console of my browser I get the following warning:
“The resource from “https://***/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,wp-ajax-response,jquery-color,wp-lists,quicktags,jquery-query,admin-comments,jquery-ui-core,jquery-&load%5B%5D=ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,postbox,underscore,wp-util,wp-a11y,dashboard,thickbox,plugin-install,updates,shortc&load%5B%5D=ode,media-upload,svg-painter&ver=5.2.1” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).”
After that a bunch of error’s occur because jQuery is not defined:
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined – heartbeat.min.js:1:1
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined – wp-auth-check.min.js:1:1
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined – draggable.min.js:11:52
TypeError: c is undefined – backbone.min.js:1:3987
TypeError: a is undefined – backbone.marionette.min.js:22:350
TypeError: right-hand side of ‘in’ should be an object, got undefined – backbone.radio.min.js:3:661
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined – common-modules.min.js:2:11205
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined – position.min.js:11:52
TypeError: a.extend is not a function – dialog.min.js:3:206
ReferenceError: elementorModules is not defined – common.min.js:2:1897
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined – admin.min.js:2:948
The main problem is, that elementor is not loading because of that. The site itself is (afaik) working.
What happened:
WP auto upgrade to v5.2.1
What’s broken:
jQuery is not loading | load-script.php gives 404 but exists
What I tried:
1. deactivated all plugins
2. reinstalled the wp core (reupgraded to 5.2.1)
3. compared the “load-script.php” with a working wordpress installation
4. the url from above (/load-scripts.php?…) leads to a 404 error, normal?
5. set the DEBUG flag to “true”.
What can I try next?
I’m really looking forward if anyone has an idea!
Thank you very much!
public function addAdminScripts() {
// jquery ui
wp_enqueue_script('jquery-validate-js',BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/js/jquery.validate.min.js', array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION);
wp_enqueue_script('ib-jquery-serialize-object', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/third-party/jquery-serialize-object/jquery.serialize-object.js', array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION);
wp_enqueue_script('ib-core-js', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/js/core.js',array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION);
wp_enqueue_script('ib-tabs-jquery-js', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/js/ib-tabs.jquery.js', array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION);
wp_enqueue_script('ib-form-validator', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/js/ib-form-validation.js',array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION, true );
wp_enqueue_script('ib-ajax-handler-js', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/js/ib-ajax-handler.js',array('jquery','ib-form-validator'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION, true );
wp_enqueue_script('ib-confirm-js', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/js/jquery.confirm.js', array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION);
wp_enqueue_script('clipboard-min-js', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/js/clipboard.min.js', array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION);
wp_enqueue_script('jquery-tipsy-js', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/js/jquery.tipsy.js', array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION);
// data tables
wp_enqueue_script('data-tables-js',BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/third-party/DataTables-1.10.12/jquery.dataTables.js', array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION);
wp_enqueue_script('ib-datatables-col-reorder', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/third-party/DataTables-1.10.12/dataTables.colReorder.js', array('data-tables-js'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION);
// resize
wp_enqueue_script('ib-col-resize', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/third-party/jquery-colresize/colResizable-1.6.js', array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION);
'ib-ajax-handler-js', 'ibAjax',
'ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'),
if(@$_GET['page'] == "inboundbrew"){
wp_enqueue_script('ib-wizzard-js', BREW_MODULES_URL.'Core/assets/js/ib-wizzard.js',array('jquery'), BREW_ASSET_VERSION, true );
All of the custom scripts that are unique to my plugin are getting loaded just fine. I can debug and echo in that function and it is getting called appropriately.
In most of my clients and others installs, the “load-scripts.php” call includes the jquery-ui packages just fine. However, in one my devs local env and one of my clients sites that I have found, “load-scripts.php” does not have the jquery-ui components listed as arguments.
I have already deactivated all other plugins and even tried different themes to rule that out. I am at a total loss.
]]>This is happened in both the Twenty-seventeen theme, but also in one of the previous versions (sixteen or fifteen).
While there is no visual indication onscreen, the console tells me it’s getting a 404 error on admin-ajax.php and/or load-scripts.php
I’m hosting with A Small Orange.
]]>we use your nice Plugin to include Sites into other Sites, just as usual, works great so far!
But now we got the problem that Improved Include Page runs shortcodes on the included Site, but dont include Scripts and CSS of those shortcodes.
Is there a way to do this?
Or can we may write a filter or function that will do that?
thanks for you help!
]]>Got a problem on a clients website, just on one page out of 30, when we are in the dashboard, and click on the pages menu, and then click edit, on the home page only, the visual composer “Backend/Frontend” editor buttons don’t appear. I must stress this is onlt happening on the one page, the home page, no others. The is an error in the developer tab of Chrome browser;
The version of WP is 4.4.2 and the version of Visual composer is 4.9.1. The site appears to be working fine apart from this. Any help would be appreciated. I did wonder if it had something to do with the ‘c=1&load%5B%5D’ of the call.
]]>About the time 4.1.1 released, and I updated, my edit page appears but the editor pane sits with a spinning load button – forever. My console says WP is up to date as are all my plug-ins and theme. I disabled all plug-ins and ran Safari error console and I get the following:
[Error] Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: a[rel=]
error (load-scripts.php, line 2)
tokenize (load-scripts.php, line 2)
compile (load-scripts.php, line 2)
select (load-scripts.php, line 2)
fb (load-scripts.php, line 2)
matches (load-scripts.php, line 2)
filter (load-scripts.php, line 2)
w (load-scripts.php, line 2)
filter (load-scripts.php, line 2)
initLayout (avia_colorpicker.js, line 948)
(anonymous function) (avia_colorpicker.js, line 652)
each (load-scripts.php, line 2)
init (avia_colorpicker.js, line 651)
j (load-scripts.php, line 2)
fireWith (load-scripts.php, line 2)
ready (load-scripts.php, line 2)
J (load-scripts.php, line 2)
I have no clue what this means or where to start. I searched the forums and didn’t find anything that I thought would help. Don’t be bashful to tell me this problem is too big for me to solve, or provide meaningful help ( where I can call in some favors). I’m running a third part Enfold Child theme. I’ve had 3 other users on 3 other computers try to edit a page and get the same symptoms. Viewing the page… not problem and all functionality works. I appreciate any help you can provide.
]]>The error I’m seeing in my console is: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘align’ of undefined
More people running in to this problem?
]]>The console show me some errors, but i can’t figure out what causes this problem.
Some images from the console errors:
I don’t understand well how the plugin works. I added this to data block code:
var div = $("#content").height();
var win = $(window).height();
if (div < win){
As you can see, I want to stick footer on loading if container div is shorter than window. But I am not quite sure…Reload code is part that is running after ajax call ended, click – it’s before ajax is send, so what is data code? Isn’t it to manipulate and update parts of website, that is not getting to ajax reload?
If anyone know, how to stick footer on load, it would be great!
]]>However, when I try to change the date (new event or edit event – doesn’t matter), the datepicker doesn’t open when I click on the date field and I get the following errors when opening the Console on Chrome (latest version)
—————-Errors follow ——————-
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘zIndex’ load-scripts.php:41
$.extend._showDatepicker load-scripts.php:41
f.event.dispatch load-scripts.php:3
h.handle.i load-scripts.php:3
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘dragStop’ load-scripts.php:31
a.widget._mouseUp load-scripts.php:31
_mouseUpDelegate load-scripts.php:16
f.event.dispatch load-scripts.php:3
h.handle.i load-scripts.php:3
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘dragStart’ load-scripts.php:31
a.widget._mouseStart load-scripts.php:31
a.widget._mouseMove load-scripts.php:16
_mouseMoveDelegate load-scripts.php:16
f.event.dispatch load-scripts.php:3
Please help!!!!
love the plugin otherwise…