I had a 2 month old backup and dumb me I restored that Database too but I forgot the Database was stored on the eMMC of the server so the restore messed it up!
Used a program to get deleted files back and did a search for the last text I know I had in there and found it in a file but it had a lot of junk before it and after. I deleted that part and have a part that looks like it’s a /var/lib/mysql/WordPress/wp_post.MYD
So I added that in the last part of the wp_post.MYD and restarted mysql but it don’t show it in WordPress or even in phpmyadmin. The last post still the 2 months ago.
The only thing looks like I could do and copy and past each day but it’s hard to know the time and day in that wp_post.MYD file because I guess they are hex for that data.
Any one know how I can get this 2 months back. I posted every day in it.
-Raymond Day
]]>It has been hosted by 1and1 and although their customer service is crap, I have otherwise been happy with them.
A couple of days ago I upgraded my package to cope with increasing traffic. I understood that all my domains and content would be transferred to the new package with little or no interruption.
Sadly, this was not the case. The old packages were canceled, and all content and databases lost.
I have all my files, theme, posts and media backed up via FTP – in other words, a complete image of my blog. But not the MYSQL database, to which I did not have direct access.
Is there any way either to import all that data into a new blog, or to reconstruct the database from the actual data/files which I have?
Thank you in anticipation!
]]>Is the database, the whole collection of files installed from wordpress?
If an import is required, how is that done?
]]>The problem is that it appears I have deleted the database running word press on my account where I host the domain. I can not find the database ANYWHERE and yet the blog is still running and nothing is lost. How do I figure out where my data base is? Does word press have a way to find out where it is getting its information from or does it keep a copy somewhere. I know this may be a strange question but I want to make changes and include some features that require access to wp-* files and they no longer exist in a PHPamin account on any of my host.
Any ideas?
]]>Here is where my problem started. While waiting for the installation to complete I read somewhere i should change the subdirectory to read root. So I did that without realizing that I was actually telling both WP that they both belong in root. Obv problems happened after. So from there I deleted the subdirectory since I had completed the backup. Once this was done I than imported the backup in WP, but that didnt work. So than I logged into my MYSQL, and did it this way….great it worked expcept the pages are still reading the subfolder and are not in the root. And I am missing all my content that I edited into the homepage.
Can someone please help me…I have no idea what to do and spent 10 hours yesterday moving 40+ pages.
Thank you I really appreciate this