I am a newbie and I need your little help. I have got a problem with a [url=https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/02/23/magazeen-free-magazine-look-wordpress-theme/]MAGAZEEN theme[/url]. I have translated and modified this theme for [url=https://blog.ratlerek.pl]my first blog site[/url] just by my self. Unfortunatly, the timthumb.php file dosen’t work properly and the miniatures of the photos don’t show up in the “Featured News” section (I have translated this into “Aktualno?ci” in Polish language but it dosen’t matter – this is not the problem issue).
I have read on internet that this problem was a very common. I have read a lot of posts about fixing this bug but I need a step by step manual what to do? I remind you I am not a native English speaker. I used to learn HTML last time when I was in high school and it was in past century. Javascript code is like a magic to me. Could you help me?
Firstly, I haven’t changed anything into the timthumb.php code. The file was uploaded just like it was in the magazeen theme pack on my ftp account. Then I saw this bug on my website:
Notice: Undefined index: extension in /home/u526522969/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/RATLEREKTHEME/timthumb.php on line 245
Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: in /home/u526522969/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/RATLEREKTHEME/timthumb.php on line 206
Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: '/home/u526522969/public_html/blog/' is not a valid JPEG file in /home/u526522969/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/RATLEREKTHEME/timthumb.php on line 206
Unable to open image : /home/u526522969/public_html/blog/
The code of timthumb.php which I have had uploaded with magazeen theme pack was:
[Excessive code moderated. Please use a pastebin.]
Please, can you help me to fix my problem? I have created a timthumb-config.php file. What should I write here to make my blog works right?
Best regards,
Radek Herka
The image size that I have uploaded in images/header.gif is exactly 1000px wide and 200px tall, and yet the header is still being cut off!
How can I correct this?
Thanks in advance to anyone that can help
I am using the Magazeen template, which is truly good, I sincerely recommend it.
This template has an option to include custom text that is displayed in the footer.
I have chose to include a poem by George McDonald:
Better to sit at the waters’ birth,
than a sea of waves to win;
To live in the love that floweth forth,
Than the love that cometh in.
…Be thy heart a well of love, my child,
Flowing, and free, and sure;
For a cistern of love,
though undefiled,
keeps not the spirit pure.
(From Phantastes by George Macdonald)
Then, a funny thing happens with the apostrophe that goes in water’s birth… the system inserts this: waters\’
I have tried using ' instead of the apostrophe, but then the system substitutes the code, inserts the apostrophe and always adds the back slash before it.
May I insist in using this poem as a custom text for this template?
Why does it happen than the system inserts a black slash before the apostrophe?
Is there a way to get around it?
Thank you!
Daniel Thomas
]]>I am using the free ‘Magazeen’ theme on my blog (https://www.thefighthouse.x10.mx/) which I am still designing and I have an issue:
If you see the top post entitled “Blog: Test”, you’ll see the top image (of two guys). If you click that image, you are taken the ‘single post’ version of the post. Now, I would like to decide where the thumbnail is cropped, but I am unable to do so. It is not as simple as cropping it in the image editor. Does anyone know how I can control this? I know the site is using something called timthumb.php to automatically process the thumbnails, but it is quite irritating.
Thanks to anyone who helps in any way!
Following this thread:
I made the permanent links work, but the problem now is a big one, when I try to access any image on the site it goes to the archive.php instead of the image, for example:
What’s hapenning? Any ideas on how to solve it?
]]>I’ve tweaked and used this theme:
And now I realize that it doesn’t support permanent links as it says here:
The thing is that in that site I need to replace everything I’ve done, and on the other hand it uses other widgets and things that I don’t need…
So I wanted to ask for help on how to change my index.php (or any other files) for the theme to support permanent links instead of ?p=XXX links…
Thanks a lot,
PS: I’m using the theme here https://www.moonward.net
]]>I’ve tweaked and used this theme:
And now I realize that it doesn’t support permanent links as it says here:
The thing is that in that site I need to replace everything I’ve done, and on the other hand it uses other widgets and things that I don’t need…
So I wanted to ask for help on how to change my index.php (or any other files) for the theme to support permanent links instead of ?p=XXX links…
Thanks a lot,
PS: I’m using the theme here www.moonward.net
]]>My problem is that I added a Google Ad to the header for visibility but there seems to be a reflection from that ad in the black header and it also seems to be messing around with the “terminal gamer” headline. I’m wondering how I can possibly fix that and any help would be immensely appreciated!
My problem is that I added a Google Ad to the header for visibility but there seems to be a reflection from that ad in the black header and it also seems to be messing around with the “terminal gamer” headline. I’m wondering how I can possibly fix that and any help would be immensely appreciated!
Here’s my header.php code:
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