How can we disable this.
I stumbled over your fantastic plugin and installed it right away. I’m very pleased with it and want to thank you for it, but there is one little issue where I hope you might help:
The magnifying glass on the product pictures has disappeared after activating the plugin. The lightbox can still be used, but on a mobile device you will not find the spot on the screen where to tap to see the bigger pictures in the lightbox
I’m not an expert, but earlier the magnifier was show with this code, but now this code is completely gone. That’s how the code was earlier:
<a href="#" class="woocommerce-product-gallery__trigger"><img draggable="false" role="img" class="emoji" alt="🔍" src=""></a>
Remark: via CSS, the graphic with the magnifier was set to display.none, but instead the magnifier was shown as a character with the font Eleganticons:
.woocommerce .product .qode-add-gallery-and-zoom-support .woocommerce-product-gallery__trigger:after {
content: "\55";
font-family: ElegantIcons;
Would you mind to help me bringing back the magnifier please? Thank you very much,
P.S. well, actually the magnifier is not needed, if the lightbox would open when tapping on the picture. This works on the desktop, but not on the iPhone. On the iPhone you have to find the exact spot where the magnifier should be, only tapping exactly at this place will open the lightbox with the bigger picture.
]]>After read a dozen of messages in this forum and google search results, I cannot find the problem.
I already tried to disable all the plugins except WooCommerce.
I’m using nature circle WP theme (
Thank’s in advance.
]]>is it possible to change the magnifying cursor while hovering an image?
Wonderful plugin, thank you!
]]>Thank you for your answer