I have settled an automatic newsletter to be send immediately as a new post is published. This schedule didn’t work, it take hours to send the newsletter but there was a button “Don’t wait & send right now” which we can press to send the newsletter manually.
After the latest updates this button not exist anymore for the new newsleters.
There is just a sentence “Send immediately.” with no link or anything.
(Worpress 4.6, PHP 5.3.29, MySQL 5.5.49-cll-lve)
I put a screenshot on the site to see the problem:
Mailpoet Newsletter Screenshot
]]>There is a probleme with send mail with php 7.0
How to fix it pleaz?
]]>Can anyone help with Mailpoet Newsletters . I sent out two yesterday after updating the plugin and my emails are blank. I have rolled back to 2.6.16.
I have tried to delete draft newsletters and it is not letting me do that either ?
Any help appreciated
]]>I was just going to report that Better Admin Help Tabs has a compatibility issue with this plugin:
Better Admin Help Tabs somehow prevents MailPoet Newsletters from correctly opening it’s dialog for adding images to newsletters.
]]>Many Thanks In Advance
]]>Is this issue fixed?
Another thing.
When i install this plugin on a fresh WP installation it breaks the admin area completely.
When i visit /wp-admin, this error shows up:
This webpage is not available
]]>Basically I wanted to streamline my blog. Anyway I missed the plugin that much I have installed it again and of course it remembered all the setting details.
However when I installed it again on my blog the plugin did not install the database tables again and now I have thinks like this under the various tabs under settings….
WordPress database error: [Table ‘******_brum.wp_wysija_user’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT user_id FROMwp_wysija_user
WHERE keyuser=”************************”WordPress database error: [Table ‘******_brum.wp_wysija_user’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT INTOwp_wysija_user
) VALUES (4,’[email protected]’,’Phillip’,’Dews’,’********’,’********’,’**********************’,0,’brum.pw’)WordPress database error: [Table ‘******_brum.wp_wysija_user’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROMwp_wysija_user
WHERE wpuser_id=4 ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 0 , 1
Not sure what to do now apart from manually create the tables, fields and values in phpMyAdmin if thats the case can you tell me what they are?
Many thanks.
– Phillip Dews