Is there any way to do it in custom plugin or in child theme?
The modification is simple:
echo “<h2>” . stripslashes($text) . “</h2>”;
echo “<div>” . stripslashes($text) . “</div>”;
Suite à la mise à jour 5.0.1 je ne peux plus utiliser ma propre page maintenance.php
L’option est activée mais le plugin se comporte comme si elle ne l’était pas (affichage texte et image par défaut)
J’ai essayé d’activer/désactiver l’option et de réinstaller le plugin mais sans succès.
]]>Also, very useful information at the plugin oficial url site explaining the diffrence between wordpress core maintenance page and plugins maintenance page.
Thanks so much
]]>If I need to update any of my plugins, I usually just select them and click “Update Plugins”, which puts my site into Maintenance Mode and displays a horrible “Briefly unavailable” message. I do this several times a week and have limited time to do this. I don’t want to have to go into WP Admin, Plugins, find this plugin, click Settings, Select “Enable”, then save, just so that anyone visiting my site whilst the other plugins are upgrading doesn’t get a horrible “Briefly unavailable” message. What I want is to always have this plugin activated, but it only comes into effect when my site has put itself into Maintenance Mode in order to update other plugins. Does this plugin do that, or do I have to manually enable it each time, then disable it after the plugins have updated?
My understanding is that WordPress will display Maintenance Mode to my visitors if there is a “.maintenance” file in the root, but that if I put a file “maintenance.php” in wp-content, it will display this instead of the built-in “Briefly unavailable” message. I’m assuming that “maintenance.php” is only used if the “.maintenance” file exists? If so, does this plugin use maintenance.php to display something fancy, so that I don’t need to manually enable Maintenance Mode each time I do some plugins updates?
]]>I recently tried logging in to to be confronted with a database connection error.
After running main.php I regained access to the site, but then received the following messages.
Any idea how I might be able to wrap these up please?
wp_users: 4 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly
wp_usermeta: 41 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly
wp_posts: 55 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly
wp_comments: 9 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly
wp_options: Table is marked as crashed
wp_postmeta: 75 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly
wp_terms: 6 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly
wp_term_taxonomy: 36 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly
wp_term_relationships: 28 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly
wp_commentmeta: 4 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly