1) It seems that all files are going to the same folder /uploads/upf-docs. Is there a way to change this folder?
2) Is there a way to have a folder for each user? /uploads/upf-docs/user1
3) All files start with user_X_***. Is there a way to make it usernameX_***?
4) Is there a way for the admin to see all files uploaded via upf, excluding the normal media library files?
Are any of these questions answered with the pro version?
Thank you!
]]>I have a question. I’m currently managing 5 WordPress Websites with MainWP. (Free Version of WordFence). Now if I want to install WordFence Premium on every site, do I have to buy one Licence-key and insert it to the MainWP WordFence Extension or do I have to buy 5 Licences?
Thanks alot!
]]>But what I really want it to use trackserver as it’s original intention – to collect, store and manage tracks. Which I really love.
Using Trackme I can easily upload to my trackserver to achieve the above, but then I can’t access them as gpx files. I have to also export them as gpx from trackme and upload them to my wordpress media library, defeating the purpose of the trackserver management/easy uploading abilities.
Am I missing something? Should I also be able to get the gpx files out of trackserver?
Anyway, as I said, very nice. Thanks for your hard work. Made mine much easier.
– Katherine
I’ve a big problem with the Gallery Images Section.
Upload Images from Computer works (Drag’n’Drop and then just “Save all Changes” + closing and after “Update Gallery” the image appears in the preview.)
Upload Images from url oder existing Media doesn’t work (can’t mark it or anything else)
Manage Gallery doesn’t work because deleting an image means deleting it from existing Media.
So how to fix this?
Another problem:
For the [property_overview] I’ve set Thumbnail Size to medium 300x300px in the Display Tab. Why is there no nice image fit (with crop if an image is portrait or landscape?
Thank you.
]]>The plug in screen does categorise plugins into MU and Dropin. Is there a plugin or is it a good to think about another category of Dashboard and Non-dashboard plugins?