I am working on a WP custom theme and now the header part and the body have no more left and right margin
the footer still has left and right margin
How do I fix it?
I’m not sure if i’m missing something, but i’ve encountered an issue with Twenty Sixteen where by the main entry-content text is not centred at smaller widths.
These are the margins widths as the view narrows:
Narrow mobile view
margin-right: 7.6923%; CSS line 1664
margin-left: 7.6923%; CSS line 1664
min width 44.375em
margin-right: 23.0769%; CSS line 2814 – the problem
margin-left: 7.6923%; CSS line 1664
min width 56.875em
margin-right: 15%; CSS line 3347
margin-left: 15%; CSS line 3347
My solution was to implement the following Media Query:
@media screen and (min-width: 44.375em) and (max-width: 56.875em) {
.entry-content { margin-right: 7.6923%; }
I hope this helps, or sheds light on a bug, or something.
]]>.one-column #content {
margin-right:50% !important;
width: 100%;
I filled the different columns with different colors, so its easier to explain what Im actually doing wrong. Here is a picture of how the website looks like, without changes on margin-right. (Layout)
I want changes in 2 areas:
1) There shouldnt be a margin-top between navbar and content
2) content should fit exactly to the width of the upper layout.
Thanks for help, im trying to figure it out since yesterday. I hope someone is able to help me.
]]>You can see what I mean at www.daveenjoys.com
Currently building a responsive site with social media links in the footer(facebook, Twitter & Google+).
Problem I’m unable to solve is the spacing between the icons when the site is viewed at 320px(wide page). I am unable to controls the space between each icon.
I am unable to minimize margin-right so each icon fits on the smaller page, so far have tried using padding and margin on each of the selectors with no luck.
Any tips and advice are much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
]]>so i got this site and everything seems fine. well some trouble with the “Tell me More” but no big deal.
The main problem is, if i have a high resolution, the whole theme seems to stop and there is a white blank on the right.
You can see the error i’m talking about here!
Can anyone of you help me with this? :/ would be totally awesome