…1 cl-warea-id-1 cl-warea-all-row fix’><section id=”wppa_lasten_widget-2″ clas…
Line 2, column 7065: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
Line 2, column 7078: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
…-by-women-2/?wppa-album=0&wppa-cover=0&wppa-occur=1&wppa-tag=Ability” title=”1…
Line 2, column 7091: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
…wppa-album=0&wppa-cover=0&wppa-occur=1&wppa-tag=Ability” title=”1 photos – 3%”…
Line 2, column 7235: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
Line 2, column 7248: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
…-by-women-2/?wppa-album=0&wppa-cover=0&wppa-occur=1&wppa-tag=Acceptance” title…
Line 2, column 7261: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
…wppa-album=0&wppa-cover=0&wppa-occur=1&wppa-tag=Acceptance” title=”5 photos – …
Line 2, column 7412: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
]]>“Floating toolbar that is SEO friendly” – well, that code is not so SEO friendly… markup errors can be huge obstacles for website indexation…
]]>I noticed a lot of validation errors due to the fact that quote-rotator-class.php adds ID’s instead of classes for the spans “quote” and “quoteauthor” (line 109)
This is easy to fix by replacing
foreach($results as $result){
echo "\"$openquote<span id='quote'>$result->quote</span>$closequote";
if($result->author != '')
echo " <span id='quoteauthor'>$result->author</span>";
echo "\",\n";
foreach($results as $result){
echo "\"$openquote<span class='quote'>$result->quote</span>$closequote";
if($result->author != '')
echo " <span class='quoteauthor'>$result->author</span>";
echo "\",\n";
]]>I have a website in which there are many authors writing. I would like to add the authorship markup.
Can anyone recommend the best free plugin for doing this?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I have some sort of unsupported lines in an jQuery code.
After 2 errors in the Markup Validation, it can’t even check my pages anymore.
Is there somebody who can help me with this? It’s the following code that has some lines which cannot interpret as utf-8 (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding).
$(“a.switch_thumb”).click(function () {
$(“ul.display”).fadeOut(“fast”, function() {
$.cookie(‘view_State’, $(‘ul.display’).is(‘.thumb_view’) ? ‘list’ : ‘thumbs’ );
// view state
var view_State = $.cookie(‘view_State’);
// Set the user’s selection for the viewState
if (view_State == ‘thumbs’) {
I think I got the error in the line that is bold.
]]>Got xhtml errors….
: required attribute “type” not specified
the question is…where do I go to get to the code source?
]]>The mark up validation gave this report…
Error Line 113, Column 103: required attribute “type” not specified..
Question, how do I get to this code area to make corrections?
thanx in advance..
– Markup validation issues with the WordPress theme. I have done a XHTML markup test on a page and determined that the theme has a few errors in it: https://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fdeepbluetrees.com%2Farchives%2F373&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
What would be the next steps to fixing this?
– Setting content to pages. I understand that Pages are not meant to be collections of posts by specific tags or categories, but I’d like a way to create some tabs that link to specific types of posts.
– Google lists my homepage now, but instead of including the text I specified using the plugin “All in one SEO tools”, it displays the footer of the page. At one point, it displayed the text that I wanted. How can I fix this?