I’ve installed and activated the plugin but encountered an issue: when I attempt to use the masonry view, the thumbnail layout still displays vertically in columns. Could you please advise me on how to achieve a horizontal masonry layout?
Any instructions or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!
]]>I’m working on a staging site that’s still private. I would love to use Chained which looks absolutely brilliant. Could you please inform me:
1) How to hide tags on individual posts?
2) I only seem to have access to Header Style 1. The other 2 don’t appear in my customizer. I also don’t have the option to change the header total width or header spacing as per your theme documentation. I have not imported demo content, might this be why?
Thanks so much.
]]>Basically, I want to add a new page showcasing the many different logos that have been used in Auburn’s history, everything from primary marks to wordmarks and memorial and anniversary designs. I previously built a page that simply listed all the different categories and filled it with corresponding logos (auburnuniforms.com/logos) . I had many issues with it, including:
inconsistent sizing of images. I’d prefer to have a set image box size with the image adjusting accordingly
that led to issues with text. Adding the logo name above wasn’t an issue, but adding a bit of description below led to uneven spacing and seemed more trouble that it was worth.
to circumvent that issue, I added a separate level with just text, which looked great on desktop but would stack images and then text when viewed on mobile.
Here’s a screenshot of what currently exists: https://i.imgur.com/uHg41Cd.png
Here’s what I want to create:
an image “selector” which will highlight any selected logo off to the right side in a larger image box.
ability to add a title above the image box that would change with each selection, a text box below with information regarding the design, and “similar/related logos” below that to show off the different colorways of the logos.
I feel this would be much better than showcasing all the different colorways in a single image, and save a ton of room on the main “collection” view.
an image gallery to the left side that would allow users to select an image and learn more in the informational right side of the page.
Here’s a Photoshop mockup of what I have imagined: https://i.imgur.com/ieWq9PD.png
]]>i really hope you guys can add a “random” order instead of just Old-New New-Old a-z z-a,
i currently have this plugin running my homepage, but in time i will change it because i dont want my posts to be static.
since my website is about gadgets, every post is dictated to its own gadget, so it really doesnt look good when every time you visit my site you see the same gadgets/posts, so the option of Random order is infact mandatory in my case.
2nd issue is if you have 2 columns, every new row will be at the same height, some some rows have gaps upwards because some posts on the same row have bigger features images, i think the term is masonry layout?
im not sure if “is equal height” option supposes to fix this, but in my case checked or unchecked it makes 0 difference to the visual, so im not even sure what that option is suppose to do.
thank you for your time and i will not close this page until i get a reply lol, because i really like this plugin but the fact that i cant set the post order to “random” really disturbs me.. i hope we can get a fix, plus if masonry layout would be an option this plugin would literally be perfect.