<meta name="rating" content="adult">
An alternate way to tag is to include this flag:
<meta name="rating" content="RTA-5042-1996-1400-1577-RTA">
Where do you go to add this meta tag? I’m on a new WP site using the 2023 theme and Full site editor. I’m probably a power user on WP, though certainly no developer. Some of the docs mention editing the header.php (this might be outdated information), but I see that the header.php file is deprecated, and I can’t figure where else to go. I have access to the php files if necessary.
I also see that SEO plugins like Yoast or AIOSEO offer a way to edit meta information, but I can find no information to include a tag like this via either plugin. I was probably going to install a free version of one SEO plugin.
This seems like an easy — almost trivial task, and yet I can’t find good up-to-date info. I’d prefer not to download a single-purpose plugin. I’m not looking for a mature content popup, just a way to tag the site’s content globally so search engines and content filters know what to do with this content on this site. Thanks.
]]>So as the title says am a complete novice when it comes to WordPress and blogging but was looking for some help regarding marking my site as Mature.
My blog is basically about my time in the adult industry so will contain bad language and the like. Obviously it would be aimed at a mature audience but when I googled how to do this the only option I found was for WordPress.com and not .org. I’m worried about whether sites get shut down if not marked right? I have had a quick look on the forums and saw one guy advise someone to use an age verify plug in but when I searched for that and read the reviews of the one deemed most suitable it seemed like people had had problems with the coding etc with it and I literally need the most basic advice possible as I am hopeless with anything technical so don’t want to download something that means I have to tweak it or do anything other than simply download it and run it as I am completely rubbish at all that sort of thing…
Hope I haven’t waffled on too much and that this all makes sense!
Thanks in advance
Jaye x
]]>– hair pulling – panic – hours of troubleshooting –
Reinstalled WordPress … it goes away
Reinstalled Jetpack (not even Activated yet) … it’s back
Reintalled WordPress … it goes away
Activated Jetpack … still okay.
So, you are installing a nasty virus during your install!
Here’s the messages again:
(From an earlier email)
Showing up at the top of my screen when I’m logged in to wp-admin on my site. Underneath this is often a ‘mature’ link that takes one to a nasty pornographic animation.
Warning: include(/var/chroot/home/content/66/9951866/html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/functions.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/66/9951866/html/wp-settings.php on line 345
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/var/chroot/home/content/66/9951866/html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/functions.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php’) in /home/content/66/9951866/html/wp-settings.php on line 345
]]>Can someone please point me in the right direction? My apologies if I’m overlooking the obvious. Cheers
]]>1)Post sexual materials that can be considered pornographic, such as images or video of explicit sexual acts or close-up images of genitalia;
Does underwear count (in them not out lol including men and ladies)
2)Post links or ads to adult-oriented affiliate networks, such as pornography site signups;
Sites like Lovehoney that sell adult products would this fit in this
If someone would like me to send the link to my site and look only too happy to show them
Thank you for your time
Kay xx
]]>I tried marking the seach blog as mature, hoping that would stop the stuff it does from being put through the BP activity stream, but that didn’t work b(still got double posts in the stream). I’ve got it set to “spam” now, but that doesn’t seem to be doing much either. I definitely want posts to be shown in the activity stream, but only ONCE!