Would it be better to use a Multisite WordPress with a single database or an individual installation in sperate directories for each of my sites with their own databases? I have 5 domains I would like to use for separate sites. 2 of those sites use subdomains.
I know Mavericks Server has some functionality for directing folders to specific sites, but thisI am not 100% on how to accomplish. I figure it would be simple to do in the terminal, but I have poor luck with the terminal because I am a super noob.
Currently I run a Multisite, but I am having redirect issues with people trying to view the sites outside of my network. Certain functions in my site call back to my internal IP, which induce incredibly long load times for external viewers. I believe I have seen Multisite conflict with some plugins I have tried to use as well.
I believe a single site installation would fix this issue, but then i have to break down my site and rebuild it I would assume.
Does anyone have any advice for my current situation?
]]>I have searched on this without success. I also originally posted this question in the plugins forum, but it appears that was not the best place. Apologies.
I have started to create a wp dev site. I installed BitNami on my Mac, running Mavericks.
I installed a theme successfully. The theme needs JetPack. I downloaded and installed JetPack OK. But JetPack requires connecting to wordpress.com for activation. When I attempt that, wordpress.com sends this error:
Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack:
Error Details: The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site [IXR -32300: transport error: http_request_failed Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection refused]
What do I need to do to make my BitNami stack accessible to them?
Para realizar la operación que has solicitado WordPress necesita tener acceso a tu servidor web. Por favor, introduce tus datos de acceso FTP para proceder. Si no recuerdas tus datos de acceso deberías contactar con tu proveedor de alojamiento.
Servidor: localhost
Usuario FTP: root (también he probado con: root@localhost)
Contrase?a FTP (ninguna porque este apartado se dejó en blanco)
Tipo de conexión FTP ó FTPS (SSL) ]]
Al darle a ejecutar sale este mensaje:
[[“Error: Se ha producido un error en la conexión con el servidor. Por favor, verifica que la configuración es correcta.”]]
Lo he repasado todo y al final desinstalado y vuelto a hacer todo de nuevo con el mismo resultado.
Empiezo a creer que es un problema de la versión 3.9 WordPress. ?Alguien sabe como solucionarlo?
Muchas gracias
]]>Example pages where the behavior is most evident:
text links:
hovering over image thumbnails causes them to move around
This only happens using Chrome or Safari, the issue doesn’t seem to effect Firefox. This leads me to believe it’s a browser problem but I’m hoping there’s a fix I can apply to my theme’s CSS or something, to correct the problem in the short term. Has anyone else experienced this problem and is there a fix I can use to squash this glitch? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
]]>But when I open a post or page to edit – I don’t see anything in the visual tab. When I click on the “Text” tab i see all the text and code.
Anyone else having this issue? Any fixes?
It hangs on loading or switching from front page to the dashboard. I was wondering if anyone else is having problems?
thanks, steve
]]>Are there any know issues with WordPress and the Mac Mavericks OS?
I am using WordPress 3.6.1 not 3.7 yet.