Below is the current code of header.php. Please suggest me the changes to make for setting “Mobile Menu” as a separate menu that’ll show up in mobile devices only without the current menu i.e. “Primary Menu”
[ Large code block redacted ]
]]>I use the divi theme and your plugin is awesome. The only problem is that it changed my menu. The “search” icon went 10 pixels up and the menu arrow too
Is it fixable via CSS?
Thanks a lot!
Awesome plugin!
]]>In header.php (child)
if( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$menu = ‘logged-in’;
} else {
$menu = ‘logged-out’;
wp_nav_menu( array( ‘menu’ => $menu, ‘container_class’ => ‘menu-header’, ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’ ) );
The article I got the code from:
]]>When I go to add the menu buttons back in and “Save Menu” the page comes up and says the menu has been updated but my changes will not show up.
Is there a limit to the number of menus that are allowed to be there? If there is, how would I adjust?
Please help!
Here is the site address:
Running 3.5.1.
I had Advanced Menu Editor installed but I have since uninstalled it
My site is I want a few static pages for information to the realtors in the area and a blog page.
I am using the template: sprachkonstrukt2.
The first page, titled Home, is the blog page that is automatically installed and the other page, titled ‘Sample Page’ is also there.
I would prefer to have the currently titled Home page to be titled Blog and have the currently titled ‘Sample Page’ titled Home; from there I would prefer to have the Blog page at the end of my menu and the newly titled Home page be the static page.
However, I am open to having the Blog page first, but I still need to figure out how to change the name from ‘Home’ to Blog.
I would prefer that all subsequent, static pages, not have the option for comments.
I have gone in and I HAVE tried to make the Front Page a Static Page by going into Settings—> Reading and changing it there AND I’ve also gone into the Appearance—> Template —> Customize and tried changing it there…all to no avail.
(I have even gone to the developer and was told it was a wordpress issue…)
Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas??? I’m about ready to settle for imperfection but I have to assume that someone out there knows how to change the word ‘Home’ to Blog in the provided menu
Please note, I am a novice….FYI.
Thank you so much in advance,
Well it’s quite the first post and I am at my wits end.
I have the majority of my site done I just have a few smaller changes I would like to make and I have minimal experience with WP. I have searched and searched over the last two weeks since I started with no avail. Anyways here’s where I’m stuck.
I am using the photorific template and need to change a few specific parts.
1. The menu. I would like this to be lower on the page as it cuts into the header picture. Ideally I would like to replace this menu with another one I found but that’s way over my head.
2. The text boxes that pop up when navigating the menu are white. I would also like those to be shifted down about a 1/4 of the page and turned from white to opaque or dark gray.