The value is inserted into the slider element style making it very hard to override in CSS.
Is there a way to override the –gutenslider-min-height CSS variable or filter the style of the slider element before it is rendered?
]]>Thanks for your help!
]]>Thanks for any help,
<div class=”separated-item-25 col-md-12 first-col last-row last-col” style=”overflow: visible; height: auto; min-height: 22223px;”>.
The 22223px figure seems to come from nowhere and when inspected on firefox resets to around 4100px. When I remove the elementor shortcode section the white space disappears. Does anyone have any ideas how I can solve this? Is there any additional css or a quick fix I can use?
]]>This plugin works responsively except that at narrow browser widths a hugh expanse of space displays between it and the next batch of content.
Inspecting the page I see a class=”smooth_slider” that includes style=”min-height: 600px;”
I cannot find where this is coming from. I cannot find it in settings, nore in any of the three plugin CSS files. Attempts to override it in Custom CSS with
{ min-height: 100%; }
and variants seem to be ineffective.
Any suggestions welcome.
first of all, thank You for the great plug-in.
I wanted to use your plug-in to flip an whole image around e.g. 1200X800, but I can’t find the settings to increase the height of the flipbox (it seems to be limited to the origin flipbox heigt?).
Is there a way to increase the height of the flipbox, please?
Thank You in advance.
when I load the gallery, the first time I change to a category that neves has been watched, the height of the gallery gets “0” for a moment and then it loads the images and recovers its original height. The next times you click in this category, it shows ok.
For example, in, there’s a gallery. If you try clicking at the “Televisión” category, you’ll see this weird effect.
How can I fix this? Thanks.
]]>[listing tools_top=”on” sortby=”date” sort_order=”DEC” status=”current” listing limit=”30″ template=”slim” columns=”3″]
There is one shortcode on top of the page for the Current listings, and under that is another one for Sold listings.
There are a few rows with a listing by itself – for example, the third row just shows one listing instead of three columns of listings, it’s as if they are grouped in sets of 7, so after the 7th one (which is in a row by itself) the next row is a straight line, and they are masonry up until the 7th one by itself again.
I hope that makes sense.
Is there any way to fix it so it looks more continuous, doesn’t break them up like that?
]]>I don’t know the reason.
Thank you for your help.