esc_html__( 'webp', 'mpt' ) => 'webp'
This is an edge case, but I just discovered a bug where the unit conversion shows incorrectly when there are two ingredients with the same name.
I’ve got a recipe where the ingredients are in different groups. There’s a group of filling ingredients that include 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, and then there’s a group of topping ingredients that includes 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese.
In the WPRM recipe, the unit conversion for the first one is 125 mL and for the second is 75 mL.
When I look at the recipe page on the site, however, both ingredients show the unit conversion as 75 mL.
My hack solution is to add a space at the end of one of the Parmesan cheese lines, so your plugin sees them as different ingredient names: one is “Parmesan cheese” and the other is “Parmesan cheese “. Once I do that, it works.
Other than that, everything is working great. Thanks again for this wonderful plugin!
]]>Hope this helps with your development.
]]>echo '<th class="frontier-menu" ><a id="frontier-post-add-new-link class="frontier-post-add-link" " href="'.frontier_post_add_link($tmp_p_id).'">'.$tmp_add_text.'</a></th>';
2) The only problem I ran with is, on /wp-admin/plugins.php, when I click on *any* “View details” link (not just this plugin but any of them), the pop-up layer only shows a blank frame. All white. Nothing else.
Since I am not a developer I am not sure I can investigate this but I will try, unless you find the solution.
It is not a big deal though because this website is in a WP network and I can check the plugin details pages from another sub-site where /#/ is not activated. However, if we can fix this, it will be fully compatible up to 5.2.3 at least.
Thanks for sharing this great little piece of code!
It shows also on the demo, so if you have a screen resolution of 2560×1440 like me, just hop on to see the bug.
// Remove sizes and srcset attribute.
$img->removeAttribute( 'sizes' );
$img->removeAttribute( 'srcset' );
// TODO: add "} // End if()." and delete everything below until next TODO
// Get src value.
$src = $img->getAttribute( 'src' );
// Check if we have a src.
if ( '' === $src ) {
// Set the value from data-noscript as src.
$src = $img->getAttribute( 'data-noscript' );
} // End if().
// Set data-src value.
$img->setAttribute( 'data-src', $src );
} else {
// TODO: Stop here
// Get src attribute.
$src = $img->getAttribute( 'src' );
// TODO: Review new optional code: stripping HTTP and HTTPS from src URLs
// or could you even maybe make it toggleable via checkbox in admin panel?
$src = str_replace(['http:', 'https:'], '', $src);
// Check if we do not have a value.
if ( '' === $src ) {
// Set the value from data-noscript as src.
$src = $img->getAttribute( 'data-noscript' );
} // End if().
// Set data-src value.
$img->setAttribute( 'data-src', $src );
// TODO: Delete the line below too.
}// End if().
I would be happy to be proven wrong, but after my changes everything works as it did before, so consider it both a minor bug report and a minor feature request.
]]>line 528:
actual: $pattern = ‘/.’ . $ext . ‘/i’;
modified: $pattern = ‘/^.*\.’ . $ext . ‘$/i’;
So, of course you know your plugin better then me, but it’s just a litte offer how to make hotfix.
What did I do? I marked the beginning of the phrase using ^ symbol and added .(dot) before file ext and $ in the end.
Maybe I created another bugs, I don’t know.
And thanks for this plugin it’s very useful for me)