Implementing pro version of plugin for client and noticed this small discrepancy. I added a custom filter to prevent client from deleting or changing important “system” folders in Filebird. I’m returning a 403 when client tries to break the rules which works fine. When renaming or moving the protected folders, there is a popup of a red circle with x in it and the error message I send, but when deleting a folder the popup says “Successfully deleted” even though nothing has been deleted.
Not a big deal but it would be nice if the delete function worked just like the other functions, and recognized that an error occurred, and displayed the message.
]]>I have the same issue with or without LiteSpeed Cache Pro as this poor guy:
I use TranslatePress Pro and Astra Pro Theme.
Bad solution: When I exclude woocommerce-paypal-payments text domain from Gettext the problem is gone.
Better solution: fix the plugin.
Log without sensitive data:
2022-03-07T14:18:57+00:00 CRITICAL #!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=4464#!trpen#Uncaught DomainException: Major, minor, and patch numbers in version string "#!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=8568#!trpen#1.7.0#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#" must be numeric in
Stack trace:
#0 Dhii\Versions\StringVersionFactory->parseVersion('#!trpst#trp-get...')
#1 Dhii\Versions\StringVersionFactory->createVersionFromString('#!trpst#trp-get...')
#2 WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\FilePathPluginFactory->create_version('#!trpst#trp-get...')
#3 in on line 66#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#
It definitely not caching plug-in bug, it is the problem of WooCommerce PayPal Payments.
My minor contribution is to report the
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: c in wp-content/plugins/cryptowp/templates/cryptowp.php on line 58
when placing the shortcode
[crypto coins=”BTC,LTC,ETH” columns=”3″]
in a post/page. If that matters, I’m using EUR as the currency and € as the currency symbol.
I am using PHP 7.4.9 and WordPress 5.5.1. I also got the same result on with a basic/clean WordPress installation and PHP 7.2.27 / WordPress 5.5.1.
]]>When we call /usr/local/bin/wp plugin update –minor –all –dry-run on 1 of the sites the result is:
No plugin updates available.
But when i remove the –minor option we are calling it without the –minor option we get the following result
| name | status | version | update_version |
| advanced-custom-fields-pro | active | 5.8.5 | 5.8.7 |
| gravityforms | active | 2.4.14 | 2.4.15 |
Both plugin’s have patch version updates so they should also have been in the results with the –minor option
how does WP-CLI check if a plugin has a major, minor, patch update?
I like to contact the plugin makers and tell them what to do to fix this bug
A minor bug, but this might lead to confusion.
Thanks for the plug-in, very useful.
]]>There are a couple of things that could be improved. Major WordPress core updates run automatically by default, which I think is unwise. Site managers really should be backing up before major updates, and checking the site afterwards for any problems. This should be off by default.
Also, the settings to turn off updates for specific plugins are for a little hard to find. “Filter Plugins” is a subtab of the Advanced Options tab, which opens by default to the other subtab (Scheduling). I don’t see why these couldn’t each be top level tabs, and change “Filter” to something more descriptive, like “Deselect.”
Note that you can’t turn off updates for selected themes – theme updates are either all or nothing. Not a problem for most people, just mentioning it.
Overall, this is a user-friendly plugin that just works, and has really cut down the amount of time I spend maintaining my own sites. Thanks for building it!
]]>This plugin is great, let me tell u that. It does nearly, everything that is required for GDPR. The only issue I have with it is that I cannot change some parts that are in english, my websites need romanian. I already saw there are some translations for romanian, 18% done, but there isn’t a way, until u guys translate it all to just change some front-end stuff? Like the little things the user sees like “Consent Management” thing to say the same but in romanian? Also, when you update the plugin, where can i change the language for it? To show what you guys worked on already?
Thanks for this plugin and for your hard work,
While running through the en_CA translations I came across a few grammar/misspelling issues in the strings, just flagging them here.
1. Plural version should be pluralized for ‘transient’;
Permalink –
Plural String – %d expired transient in your database
Should be – %d expired transients in your database
2. Plural version missing space
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Plural String – %d site-widetransient options deleted
Should be – %d site-wide transient options deleted
3. Switch to use single quote
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String – WP-Optimize is WordPress's most-installed optimization plugin. With it, you can clean up your database easily and safely, without manual queries.
Should be – WP-Optimize is WordPress’s most-installed optimization plugin. With it, you can clean up your database easily and safely, without manual queries.
4. Misspelling of normaly should be normally
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String – When WordPress uses a particular transient, that specific transient is re-created automatically. So, it’s normaly for ones which are in active use to gradually re-appear. The best way to keep things optimal is to clear the transient options on a scheduled basis. For example, WordPress may create 50 transient option in a week. If you schedule WP-Optimize to clear these options on a weekly basis, you’ll have far fewer building up.
Should be – When WordPress uses a particular transient, that specific transient is re-created automatically. So, it’s normally for ones which are in active use to gradually re-appear. The best way to keep things optimal is to clear the transient options on a scheduled basis. For example, WordPress may create 50 transient option in a week. If you schedule WP-Optimize to clear these options on a weekly basis, you’ll have far fewer building up.
5. Misspelling of optimised should be optimized
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String – This is a “how long is string?” sort of question. It depends completely on your site – how big it is, how many users interact on it, how long it has been running, and when you last optimised it. However, the savings and speed-ups can be substantial; it is always worth making sure that your database is optimized.
Should be – This is a “how long is string?” sort of question. It depends completely on your site – how big it is, how many users interact on it, how long it has been running, and when you last optimized it. However, the savings and speed-ups can be substantial; it is always worth making sure that your database is optimized.
6. Misspelling of optimisations should be optimizations
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String – TWEAK: All optimisations run via the dashboard page are now run via AJAX (no page refresh)
Should be – TWEAK: All optimizations run via the dashboard page are now run via AJAX (no page refresh)
7. Misspelling of optimisation should be optimization
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String – FEATURE: Any optimisation can now be run individually with a single button press
Should be – FEATURE: Any optimization can now be run individually with a single button press
8. Misspelling of customisation should be customization
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String – TWEAK: Various filters introduced internally for easier customisation
Should be – TWEAK: Various filters introduced internally for easier customization
9. Misspelling of Compatibilty should be Compatibility
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String – Compatibilty with WordPress 3.1
Should be – Compatibility with WordPress 3.1
10. Minor the ?replies=2 isn’t needed on URL
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You can update this ticket when updated and I’ll re-translate the en_CA strings to get it up to 100%.
All the best,
default entries, move the comma behind the name formatting.
Current: <p>Hi <strong><em>{client_name},</em></strong></p>
Suggested: <p>Hi <strong><em>{client_name}</em></strong>,</p>
I have have been using group membership and access restriction (capabilities) to control page access. The upgrade disabled this and all pages and menus on the sites were then visible. I have 20 sites and was able to manually set legacy mode to resolve this.
I can see the improved read access is a step forward but you have caused my users considerable stress and damaged my reputation.