Now my visitors can’t view my products
After I enabled Gutenberg to my Woocommerce products, the product tags and categories was missing. I managed to get it back though.
So I would be very grateful if you could please add these lines in class-wc-post-types.php until next update:
'show_in_rest' => true,
'supports' => array('editor'),
Thank you!
Some sections in my WordPress theme do have categories and with that I am able to make custom permalinks.
I have a few questions about this:
1. If I make a custom URL (see new URL) with a category, will Yoast overwrite the original URL without the custom category and will it not be indexed twice?
For instance:
Original URL:
New URL:
2. My second question is about adding categories to sections.
I have a few sections like Pages etc. that don’t show any box with permalinks settings an categories.
With this I am not able to create custom permalinks like:
I have checked taxonomies in Search Appearance, but only see categories there from the section in my WordPress theme that do have categories.
Can I add manually Categories for other sections, so that I can add categories to my pages for instance (which are not shown currently?)
Similarly, in the Categories section, I am missing many of the potential categories that are usually listed.
However, if I go to All Posts (/wp-admin/edit.php), and I click quick edit, my categories appear as does my full list of authors.
I would like to restore this functionality to the new post (/post-new.php).
Can anyone please tell me what is going on and how to fix it?
Thank you.
Note that i just moved from a very outdated Go Daddy self directed Linux hosting to Go Daddy Managed WordPress hosting. I was pretty old school and finally caved into getting my ssl and all that.
]]>Ever since I upgraded today to:
WordPress version 5.0.3
Link Library Version 6.1.28 | By Yannick Lefebvre
I have no All Links in Link Library
What happened?
What do I do now?
How do I get them back now?
]]>This is emergency, any help appreciated!
I am missing categories , I have only few in :
I post list they appear nicely and if I click on the name of the category I can see all posts in that category.
In wp_terms table I can see all categories.
I have Croatian and English installed in Polylang and Polylang detects all posts for each language properly but when just few categories for Croatian and English.
In red square there is one (out of 2) category which is actually listed in category view.
What are all underlined entries and why aren’t other categories recognized?
See image
Please help,
thank you!
[ No bumping please. ]
]]>I am very new to WP. I created a blog a few months back with specific categories. I have recently added new categories and and written posts in them but the categories are not showing up in my menu. The links work though, how do I get them to show up on the menu?
Thank you so much for your help!!
The Admin side panel to edit/add (Products>categories) is empty but the products listed are in ‘categories’ and also the previewed website also shows the widgets and my menus fine. When I go an add a category it disappears after refreshing the Products>categories page.
I rooted the site by editing the index.php to point to the subdirectory. So all core files are still in the subdirectory. The ‘Site Address (URL)’ in Settings>General is set to the root and ‘WordPress Address (URL)’ to the sub. Tried moving all core files but changing the folder names caused so many issues!
I’ve now moved the site back to how it was (changed URL and renamed/moved index.php back and it is all the same. No categories and I can’t add any either. Whats happened?
]]>Site’s been up for about a year, working fine. I edited a theme file (‘sidebar.php’), uploaded, overwrote the existing, and all of a sudden, every category is missing from the “All Categories” tab in my categories pane, and no categories exist on any post. However, the categories appear in the “Most Used” tab of the admin pane, BUT when I select a category from that list and update a post to see if it fixes, the category actually disappears from the ‘Most Used’ tab, and still nothing shows up in the “All Categories” tab. Stranger yet, when I add a category, select and update the post, the category disappears (per this problem) BUT it shows up in the database. Wow.
Every category for every post type is experiencing this issue. And every/any category shows up in the database.
Been searching everywhere for a fix. Have found old threads that suggest emptying /tmp folders – nothing in mine. I have not run through every single plugin, though have disabled a few known to be more troublesome, nothing. Had/Have not updated any plugins for ~2 weeks.
Have uploaded original theme file, imported older databases, and updated to latest WordPress just today (after noticing the problem) Nothing is changing/fixing this.
What happened?!
Appreciate any help all. Thanks.
ALSO, all posts still exist, just can’t get to them through the category. URL shows .com/post-name as set in my permalink structure.
So i logged in admin and saw that when i view all posts, all the categories and tags just have a dash beside them
I look in the posts and it shows my tags still there, also under categories, it is blank, yet under MOST USED, it still shows a check box under the correct category
If i check out categories there are none in there.
I am the only one that logs into this site and it was working find last yesterday morning.
Any ideas/