For some reason I am getting an an “Error: Missing required field “updated”” when I use the Google Structured Data Testing Tool. I have researched others’ problems with this but using the Theme editor in WordPress I can’t find anything that resembles “date” or “time” in the code that would relate to posts.
Am I just not looking in the correct place? What do I need to add to Origin to communicate when the site (each page or post) updates to google? Or is this not a problem with the theme?
I’m a bit new in this and sort of troubleshoot through everything so any advice would be great! Here is a link to my site:
]]>First of all sorry for my bad english…
I have this 2 problems with this theme, in the google webmaster tool with the the markup (dati strutturati) have this:
Missing required field “updated”
Missing required hCard “author”
Someone have an idea to fix this 2? On google I discovered ineffective solution for this problem
Thank’s for all answers
]]>Error: Missing required field “updated”.
Error: Missing required hCard “author”.
My theme is “BackMyBook”. I looked for fixes, but none worked. However when I checked the tool for one of my posts (not a page), it came up perfectly, such as Game Theory post. Any ideas?
]]>Fehler: Missing required field “updated”
Is still not solved i’ve tried a lot of stuff and began to search in the theme single.php file but i didn’t found anything like date or updated .
I use the theme Thentythirteen from WordPress
Do anyone maybe have done something related to this ?? Thank you !!
]]>Please Help me to get rid from this issue