I’m encountering an issue with the Depicter plugin on my WordPress site. When attempting to import templates, I consistently receive a 500 error. After enabling WordPress debugging, I found that the error is due to a missing database table: wp_depicter_documents
Here’s what I’ve tried so far to resolve the issue:
Despite these steps, the error persists, and the wp_depicter_documents
table is still missing from my database.
I have a quite old website and would like to preserve my statistics. But somewhere along the way, some tables seems to have gone lost or failed to get created. So apache drops lines like this to the error_log:
[Sun May 28 21:43:58.183893 2023] [php7:notice] [pid 2418] [client] WordPress database error Table 'wpbusene.wp_2_slim_events' doesn't exist for query \n\t\t\tINSERT IGNORE INTO wp_2_slim_events (position, id, dt, notes)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('717,407','68684','1685310238','{\\"id\\":\\"user_pass\\",\\"type\\":\\"mousedown\\",\\"button\\":\\"left\\"}') made by do_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_slimtrack'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wp_slimstat::sli>
[Sun May 28 21:43:59.827274 2023] [php7:notice] [pid 2390] [client] WordPress database error Table 'wpbusene.wp_2_slim_events' doesn't exist for query \n\t\t\tINSERT IGNORE INTO wp_2_slim_events (position, id, dt, notes)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('812,446','68684','1685310239','{\\"value\\":\\"Log In\\",\\"id\\":\\"wp-submit\\",\\"type\\":\\"mousedown\\",\\"button\\":\\"left\\"}') made by do_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_slimtrack'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_>
Is there away to create the missing tables or recreate the database without loosing all collected statistics?
]]>I’m encountering a fatal error when trying to install either of WooCommerce and/or Action Scheduler plugins.
The problem obviously is a missing db table. The strange thing is that for me it seems that the tables should have been created by either of the plugins during installation/activation.
Research shows that there are several other plugins showing the same (or equal) problem. Though, no solution (such as deleting option values) worked for me.
I’ve enabled debugging and checked the plugin files, but couldn’t find the needed created-statements for the missing tables. So I’m not able to add them manually.
Stack trace
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table '<DB-NAME>.<TABLE-PREFIX>actionscheduler_actions' doesn't exist in /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-includes/wp-db.php:2056
Stack trace:
#0 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-includes/wp-db.php(2056): mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'DESCRIBE <TABLE-PREFIX>...')
#1 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-includes/wp-db.php(1945): wpdb->_do_query('DESCRIBE <TABLE-PREFIX>...')
#2 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-includes/wp-db.php(2695): wpdb->query('DESCRIBE <TABLE-PREFIX>...')
#3 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php(2749): wpdb->get_results('DESCRIBE <TABLE-PREFIX>...')
#4 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/abstracts/ActionScheduler_Abstract_Schema.php(135): dbDelta(Array)
#5 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/abstracts/ActionScheduler_Abstract_Schema.php(63): ActionScheduler_Abstract_Schema->update_table('actionscheduler...')
#6 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/data-stores/ActionScheduler_DBStore.php(36): ActionScheduler_Abstract_Schema->register_tables()
#7 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/data-stores/ActionScheduler_HybridStore.php(57): ActionScheduler_DBStore->init()
#8 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/abstracts/ActionScheduler.php(158): ActionScheduler_HybridStore->init()
#9 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/action-scheduler.php(55): ActionScheduler::init('/homepages/34/d...')
#10 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/action-scheduler.php(61): action_scheduler_initialize_3_dot_4_dot_0()
#11 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-woocommerce.php(509): include_once('/homepages/34/d...')
#12 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-woocommerce.php(172): WooCommerce->includes()
#13 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-woocommerce.php(131): WooCommerce->__construct()
#14 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce.php(47): WooCommerce::instance()
#15 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce.php(62): WC()
#16 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(2286): include_once('/homepages/34/d...')
#17 /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-admin/plugins.php(191): plugin_sandbox_scrape('woocommerce/woo...')
#18 {main} thrown in /<PATH-TO-WP>/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 2056
System details
* PHP: 8.1
* MySQL: 5.7
* WordPress: 5.8.3
* WooCommerce: 6.1.0
* Action Scheduler 3.4.0
Thanks a lot in advance!
The page I need help with:
Not available (… because Yoast is disabled since a week because of the error!)
Since about a week we are having serious problems with our website everytimes we are trying to activate the yoast-plugin.
The main problem is the missing display of the All-Posts list logged in as a User with editor-role.
Firstly an “server error”-message was displayed beyond the usual header-items of the list.
Trying to activate the yoast-plugin (after waiting about a week) today again (… in hope of self-healing abilities over time we’re getting a hint to switch on WP-debugging.
Doing so, i.e. enabling WP-debugging, a massive log-file was created:
About 5 GByte! … in only a few minutes, when trying to display the All-Posts-list.
Main problem of the plugin seems to be trying to access the column “version” of the
#NON-EXISTING table twli_wp4_wp_yoast_indexable
Now we’re very surprised:
How the yoast-plugin can try to use a non-existent table!
or – not much better –
How the yoast-plugin is getting lost of an entire (self owned ?!) table!
All this also happened on a productive iunstance ;-((
So we are finally having this questions:
* Are we the only website watching this problems?
* Is there a known procedure to “heal” this issue?
* Should we better consider to find an alternative plugin?
Kind regards,
also in hope of getting some enlightening about this uncomfortable issue
Jens Roggemann
Diepholz / Freistatt, Germany
(since now minus 7 days an overall pleased user of the yoast-plugin for about 2,5 years)
]]>Related topic: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/database-table-missing-2/
I’ve tried everything that was proposed in that topic.
Before you suggest to delete and reinstall the plugin, I ALSO did that.
The table is not being created either.
And I suspect it was the thing that caused a problem with mysql tmp fullfilling a few days ago, reaching 100% and deadlocking the database until I rebooted the server to “clear” the space in tmp again.
Please, can you provide with SQL (as the previous guy who issued this problem) to create table and variables in there to solve this issue?
Not only me, but several sysadmins will be grateful in advance.
]]>After a bit of investigation, I ran the WP database repair and it returned this message:
The wpq4_options table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table ‘thevicsw_wp431.wpq4_options’ doesn’t exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
Failed to repair the wpq4_options table. Error: Table ‘thevicsw_wp431.wpq4_options’ doesn’t exist
How do I recreate this missing table?
]]>After the install I have this error message when I update something or if I go the History Tabs of this plugin.
[Table ‘wp_eum_logs’ doesn’t exist]
I check in my backup just made just after the install, and this table has never been created.
I try to disable and enable again the plugin but the table is not created.
PHP 7.1.18
Wordpress 4.9.6
Easy Updates Manager Version 7.0.1
Best Regards