I am trying to change my header image, which recommends a size of 760 x 145 and that’s the size of the graphic image I have uploaded.
However, I am forced to ‘crop’ the image and that is set for 660 x 145 and I cannot figure out how to change this as the width of my template is 760 and that is the size header image I want to use?
How do I change in CSS or some other setting the size of the crop selector or disable to the crop selector entirely?
]]>“The package could not be installed. The style.css stylesheet doesn’t contain a valid theme header. Theme install failed.”
Any guidance on this would be very much appreciated!
]]>My question is 2-fold:
– Did I miss an option someplace?
– If not, Has anyone developed an add-on to The Loop to include this feature.
It is find in Firefox but safari and explorer it seems a bit off.
Much appreciated support. … If you have a website please also let me know what it is…
www.StephenWelton.com is the site…..
]]>A second-choice (I think) alternative would be to have each navigation tab linked to a category, and top the index of each category with a short article.
I am not programmer. Which alternative above is going to be simpler and better? Where, more specifically than “read the codex,” would I look to find information that will help me?
]]>The Autoblog plugin looked like it would do this for me, but it’s no longer available AFAIK. So far, I can’t get feedwordpress running. I’m stuck.
Does some kind soul have for-dummies directions I can chew on?
]]>I want to use a different header.php for some pages. Both structure and content need to be slightly different, including the header image dimensions.
Where do I look to start learning how to do this?
For my next trick I want to learn how to swap out different sidebar content for different sections. Right now the header is the biggest issue.
I’m using WP as part CMS, part blog.
]]>changing the theme back to K2 rectifies the problem, switching back to MistyLook – the problem resurfaces… check out the links below to see what i mean to say
“share this” with K2 – https://www.xvzx.net/blog/above.gif
“share this” with MistyLook – https://www.xvzx.net/blog/below.gif
blog url: https://www.blog.xvzx.net