I am so far very happy with your plugin. The csv import function works like a charm and makes updating entries very easy once you’re bit familliar whith it. Great!
But I have problems finding where to translate some specific strings.
I have already tried it with POedit but didn’t found the 3 strings I am searching for.
I want to translate/change the following 3 strings:
A predefined string in the search-text-field says: “Eintrag dauerhaft ausführen”
It instead should say something like “input your search term”…
Where can I change this string?
Whithin each single entry it says “? Go back” at the top like a breadcrump.
Where can I change this string?
Also at single entries a button says “Return to directory”.
Where can I change this string?
Please be so kind to tell me where to change this 3 strings!
Thanks a lot for your help!
Kind regards,
]]>I am having some issues with the translation files.
I have put the mo file in the language folder of my wordpress installation but I have some thing still displayed in english.
I have checked on my mo files and those terms appearing in english are really already translated in the mo file.
Is there anything here I am missing?
]]>I want to make a custom German translation for TEC, which changes just a view words. Mainly, I want to replace the translation for ‘event’ from ‘Veranstaltung’ to ‘Termin’. Accordingly for the plural versions, too.
I’ve copied the-events-calendar-de_DE.mo and the-events-calendar-de_DE.po from wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lang to wp-content/themes/mytheme/languages/plugins. Then I used Poedit to change the copied *.po file as described, saved it and created a MO-file, which overwrote the copied MO-file.
I tried a different directory for the custom translation, too: wp-content/languages/plugins
However, the changes didn’t take effect. I still see the default translation, wherever I look.
What did I miss here? Any help is appreciated.
Does polling this use resources? Does this matter? Do I need to create a .mo file to get this to be correct? Just curious…