In situations where there is a menu item with sub-menu items, on a PC, I can view a page associated with the menu item AND also traverse the sub-menu to get at lower level pages.
However, when using a phone, it does not seem to be possible to access the page associated with the top level menu item.
See .
1. On a desktop computer, hover over the Plants menu item – a sub-menu of plant types is revealed.
2. Click on the Plants menu item itself – you are taken to a general page on plants.
3. Alternatively, you can click on a sub-menu item such as Trees to get a list.
On a phone (with Chrome at least), it does not seem to be possible to perform the equivalent of step 2 above.
Is there a way around this ?
]]>1. my latest post created with snowball does not appear on my static home page.
This is the latest post I have created:
and the thumbnail of this post does not appear on my home page unlike my other posts created just using the default wordpress post:
2. Problem two, there seems to be a problem with loading images of the post created with snowball from a mobile device. I normally put a link of my latest post on my instagram account profile, so people can click through. However, with the post created using snowball, when I click on the link through instagram on a mobile device, the images do not load. The images load fine if I click through the link from desktop.
I would love to continue using snowball, however, they are quite big problems for me, so would very much like to receive some help please.
Thank you.
]]>I’m currently using the Smartline Lite theme. I can access the website from my computer and tablet. However, I’m unable to access the site using my smartphone. I was previously able to access my website using this theme.
My website is
I would appreciate any assistance or explanation in layman terms. Thank you.
PS: My hunch tells me that this may need a stylesheet.css modification but I don’t know where to start, what to look for and what code to put in.
]]>The site is viewable from the IPhone and desktop. Any ideas why my droid and others cannot access it?
O and I’m not afraid of code.