{"error_code":405,"error_msg":"User must verify their account on www.facebook.com (405)","error_data":"{\"machine_id\":\"****\",\"error_title\":\"Account Temporarily Unavailable\",\"error_message\":\"Your account is temporarily unavailable. Regain access by updating the app or logging in from a mobile or web browser.\"}","request_args":[{"key":"api_key","value":"***"},{"key":"credentials_type","value":"password"},{"key":"email","value":"***"},{"key":"format","value":"JSON"},{"key":"generate_machine_id","value":"1"},{"key":"generate_session_cookies","value":"1"},{"key":"locale","value":"en_US"},{"key":"method","value":"auth.login"},{"key":"password","value":"--sanitized--"},{"key":"return_ssl_resources","value":"0"},{"key":"v","value":"1.0"},{"key":"sig","value":"***"}]}
Upon login afterwords, FB asks for a password change claiming security risk i.e. someone beside you trying to login your account.
]]>So .. does your plugin work or not?
]]>Is there any plan for MobileAPIs to be provided ?
]]>since facebook added their new rules for verification verifying the APPs that we used for auto posting to have the necessary permissions in order to auto post is pretty much impossible.
There are other plugins which allow using the Facebook mobile api to make the auto posts.
Do you plan on implementing such functionality or is your paid service the only alternative if we can not verify our APPs with Facebook.