Using the latest Contact Form 7 (Version 5.9.2) and Zoho Flow plugin (Version 2.2.0).
I have tried another integration (with FluentSMTP) to check if it was some sort of IP blocking from website/server side, but it seems to be working correctly.
So it seems there is some sort of bug between the integration of Contact Form 7 and Zoho Flow. Could you guys please check on it.
]]>I’m geting the following error message when I try to save some codes on the plugin:
Could not create snippet. Request failed with status code 418
This only happens with some codes, but those same codes run without errors if I put them out of the Code Snippets (in a plugin itself).
Could you please help me find out what happened?
Thank you in advance!
]]>I can’t edit pages build with Yootheme Pro page builder, if Popup maker plugin is enabled. I’m using Popup Maker through shortcode inside widget.
I’m getting this error in backend:
Additionally I’m getting error 403 on frontend:
If I disable Popup Maker both errors are gone.
I have also wrote on Yootheme support forum
]]>This morning, when I tried to log in to /wp-admin on my laptop, the login screen simply refreshed (emptying the username/password fields). If I try and log in again, the same thing happens. I’ve tried this on multiple browsers on my laptop (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) and get the same result.
If I log in to /wp-admin on my wife’s laptop or on my phone, I can get in to the Dashboard without any problems and the site works as normal. So it isn’t a problem with the site, it seems like there is something conflicting on my laptop itself which is preventing me from logging in to /wp-admin on any browser.
On the laptop, I am actually able to get to the WordPress dashboard via my GoDaddy account (Hosting & WordPress > Settings > Edit Site), but I can’t actually do anything in there – I can’t view anything in the Media Library (nothing loads), can’t update any plugins (server error), can’t add new users (just refreshes the Add User screen), etc. (I can do all of this on my phone or when logged in on my wife’s laptop).
So I’ve been through a laundry list of troubleshooting on my laptop – clearing cookies, clearing cache, flushing the cache on the site, flushing the DNS cache via Command Prompt. No luck, unfortunately…
I’m running Windows 10 and this is the first time I’ve ever encountered this kind of problem! I did several searches online and could find similar issues, but these were usually where people were completely unable to access their site on any device. I can get there on every device except my laptop.
Any suggestions for troubleshooting, please? Thanks in advance.
]]>wp cli core us up-to-date on my server when I checked.
I have checked the error logs on my server, and I don’t see any HTTP code 418 being thrown, so where is this coming from?
I have no problem updating plugins and themes via InfiniteWP though.
]]>For the last several weeks, I have been battling a 406 error from the analytics.js request with CAOS. No analytics have been tracked since having this error.
I searched the forum and found your suggestions to contact the hosting company regarding a size limit for requests. I also found one user reported having a mod_security issue. My hosting company keeps saying it’s not something on their end and are appealing to the developer to address. Their explanations are a bit over my head but here is what they are saying:
Hosting: “As checked, the scripting needs to be updated, Since it is scripting related we do not have much access from our end. Please check with any developer regarding the issue and they will resolve it for you.”
Me: “This script should be updated every 24 hours automatically from the Google source. I have also been updating it. May I ask what makes you think something is not updated?”
Hosting: “When a 406 Error occurs, the first sources to investigate are the Accept-Headers by either accessing the source code or you can request any the developer to check error code.”
Me: “So you don’t think it’s a mod_security issue? And there is no size limit for requests configured on the server?”
Hosting: “The response “ 406 Error – Not acceptable ” is not as common as a “404-Page not found” .The error is received if the browser does not support a format sent by the site or the request is in violation of some settings. Yes, There is no setting needs to be updated from the server end, everything is updated by default from the server end”
Things I’ve tried include: disabling ad blocker stuff, VPN, disabling Stealth Mode and re-updating and clearing cache, disabling all plugins, removing custom htaccess stuff.
Can you make any sense of what my hosting company is saying or have any ideas?
Please I need you help gurus, it’s quite urgent.
]]>After migrating a website using UM from an NGINX server to one running LiteSpeed photos can’t be uploaded by users. In Chrome I just get “ERROR” and one of the users gets this (not sure which browser he’s using though):
ERROR: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
I’ve tried disabling other plugins that might be conflicting, like Ivory Search and Ninja Forms, but no dice…and everything worked on the development server (same versions of WP and plugins).
]]>I’m trying to use your wonderful plugin, but it wouldn’t save any of the changes I was making. I saw your response to another user about mod_security, so I had my web host temporarily disable it, and PageLayer works great again! Please let me know when this is fixed so I can enable mod_security again, but at least for now I can make edits again!
]]>Problem is, that opening the file browser in the post edit form i got a 403 response. I took a look in the server log in this is due to mod security rules. I#m not able to deactivate them.
Please help me changing this behaviour within the plugin.
Affected mod security IDs are: 214620 214940
Whole messages are:
ModSecurity: Warning. Operator GE matched 4 at TX:outgoing_points. [file “/etc/apache2/modsecurity.d/rules/comodo_free/20_Outgoing_FiltersEnd.conf”] [line “38”] [id “214940”] [rev “2”] [msg “COMODO WAF: Outbound Points Exceeded| Total Points: 4
ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403 (phase 4). Pattern match “(?:\\\\b(?:call_user_func|f(?:get(?:c|s{0,1}s)|open|read|scanf|tp_(?:nb_){0,1}f{0,1}(?:ge|pu)t|write)|gz(?:compress|open|read|(?:encod|writ)e)|move_uploaded_file|read(?:dir|(?:gz){0,1}file)|s(?:candir|ession_start)|(?:bz|proc_)open)|\\\\$_(?:session|(?:ge| …” at RESPONSE_BODY. [file “/etc/apache2/modsecurity.d/rules/comodo_free/16_Outgoing_FilterPHP.conf”] [line “17”] [id “214620”] [rev “1”] [msg “COMODO WAF: PHP source code leakage|