Thank you.
]]>How do I report them without calling them out publicly on these forums?
]]>Could you please tell me how to add and remove moderators in your forum plugin?
Thank you,
John Dumas
]]>Thank you.
]]>I have a website with many weekly comments. I would like that it is not only the site owner/page author that receives email notifications about new comments awaiting approval. I would like that I can add users to the notification list.
I have found a couple of plugins that claims to do the trick, but they have not been updated for very long and are not compatible with newer versions of WP (I have 4.3.1)
I am open for (almost) any work-around to this issue!
]]>Am I doing it wrong?
]]>I am wondering if there is an easy fix that anyone can think of for allowing only certain users / user levels use emoticons. I am willing to go as deep into the code as necessary, but I have been having problems with my attempts so far.
I am also wondering if there is something planed or built in (without making admin accounts for mods) to allow some sort of moderation.