while i had deleted woocommerce, there was always a warning, my paid courses are not going to be function as theres no wc installed. it still apoeard although i installed wc.
i tthink tutor cant recognize wc.
i am using loco translate. fir localization.
any ideas
]]>On one hand, I get it: it’s not fair that sites that may be making thousands a month are enjoying the benefits of Jetpack for free.
On the other hand, the pricing tier system comes across as elitist, like it’s trying to shake off everyone except the most popular, commercially successful sites that are earning hundreds if not thousands a month. I say this because the pricing doesn’t make sense. Between bots being responsible for so many hits, everyone using ad blockers and ad revenue drying up and other issues, small sites getting between 1000 to 20K a month are lucky to even get a fraction of what Jetpack wants per month.
On top of everything else, the average webhosting package for bloggers or small ecommerce sites is equal to or just a few dollars more than what Jetpack is asking for stats alone, but expects to get 8 bucks a month for 10K visitors? I think that whoever dreamt up this price scheme knows how absurd this is, which is why it feels opportunistic rather than practical. They could’ve very well come up with something more reasonable for small sites that have been using Jetpack for free but wouldn’t mind paying something a little more affordable, but this pricing scheme is just letting the smaller fish loose in favor of whales. Basing a business model on whales has never made much sense to me, but it’s no skin off my nose, so good luck with this newfangled pricing scheme.
]]>I notice in this blog update from almost three years ago that it states it was not possible at the time to have both public courses and monetized courses available on the same website but that it will be possible “very soon” (as shown in the red text of the screenshot below).
Today, I have just tried to label a course as public but it not possible to access the lessons within unless monetization is also turned off in the general settings.
Is it therefore still the case that this has not been fixed in the near three years since this update was made? Can you therefore clarify what your definition of “very soon” is?
Thank you for your help!
You may reapply using the button below when the issue is fixed. Click here for more information on disapproval.
please tell me the reason so that I can fix it. And Also I want to know, is there any connection with AdSense or not? recently Adsense disapprove my site 3 times and gave a time period of 30 days, in this period I am not able to resubmit my website for approval, can this be a reason for this disapproval?