]]>Another issue with this plugin is that you have only one setting to change how many products you want to display. If you try to change it per page in the shortcode it does nothing.
I will be looking for a proper Ebay affiliate plugin, this one does not work at all.
]]>So we are in the midst of creating a website for an eBay re-seller, as in someone that will take your old stuff and sell it on eBay for you, and we’ve come across a bit of a speedbump.
We are currently using the MoneyPress: eBay Edition plugin to display a feed from eBay of items from our seller on a page of their WordPress site through a shortcode. The default display is just the most recently added listings but through the settings or via attributes in the short code, you can filter what items the plugin will display on the page. Example: [ebay_show_items keywords="kitchen products"]
Which would show only items with the keywords “kitchen products” from the eBay seller specified in the settings.
We are looking to try to make the store’s feed searchable by keyword by a site visitor. So on the auctions page there would be a field where the user could type in “kitchen products” and those keywords would then act in the same way as if they were inserted into the shortcode to filter the results from the seller.
An example of pretty much exactly what we’re trying to do can be found here
If anyone knows a way to hack the MoneyPress plugin, or if there is a different plugin or something out there that already does what were looking for that would be great.
]]>Any clues?
The plugins were all listed under Cyber Sprocket Labs ( and most carried the title MoneyPress : … Edition.
If we did something wrong, we’d like to at least know what we did. If it is a technical glitch, how do we get the listings re-instated? Just re-upload the svn and listing files?
]]>There are no screen shots showing that this plugin really works. The The support team doesn’t treat their users as real customers, even though we had to pay to get this plugin to work. It is a shame.
The “Create Button” code doesn’t work…This plugin should not be marketed yet. It is STILL full of problems and unless the their team really address them, it is shameful to have to pay a dime for it.