]]>It seems that the first click on an event is ignored, after that the opening of tooltips works like it should as far as I could see. Would be great if you could fix this.
Link to your website where you can see this behaviour:
Is there a way to format a shortcode so it shows a single category, divided by the month it was uploaded?
I see the accordion option, but it requires you click into a category and then shows the month.
So instead you’d click into a month and see it divided by category (or just see a single category, if you added that to the shortcode).
Like this:
Thanks for your help!
And, sorry for the back-to-back asks. But I figured it was easier having separate posts for different topics
Is there a way to set an excerpt length for the titles in the month view?
An other (easier?) option is to make the cells from the table higher so there can fit more events in one cell (day). Somehow the css code to make this work don’t display;
.tribe-events-calendar-month__day {
min-height: 250px !important;
.mec-calendar .mec-calendar-side {
width: 50% !important;
.mec-calendar .mec-calendar-events-side {
width: 50% !important;
.mec-calendar .mec-calendar-topsec {
width: 100% !important;
.mec-skin-monthly-view-month-navigator-container {
display: inline-block;
.mec-calendar-table {
display: inline-block;
Any suggestion would be very appreciated.
Which settings are wrong for me?
I use the free plugin
I just started to use the MEC plugin. I really liked the look of the Fluent Layout, so I decided that I wanted to use it on the website. Unfortunately, it led to single event being displayed as finished already in monthly view.
In all other views, you can click the event to get the description. But in monthly view, it just says the event is over, and no other information is shown.
Please, help!
]]>I installed the Modern Events Calendar plugin and the way the calendar (monthly view) was displayed, was like the second screenshot shown in this overview (as an example): (you see it when you scroll halfway down the page). This is the way I would like to have it displayed.
At some point, I thought it would be nice to remove the Text Input (Text Search bar) and instead add the Location search option. From that point on, the calendar was displayed like the second screenshot you see in the example overview.
Do you know how I can change that back to the way it displays like the second screenshot? I would be soooo grateful if you could help me with this so I can start using my website. I’m not a developer though.
By the way, I already tried:
– removing and reinstalling the plugin
– removing things in MyPHP (with a plugin)
– changing back the settings in the search form
– changing theme
– removing the shortcode on my page and put it back again
Thank you in advance!
]]>I can navigate to << February but there is no April >> link at the top of the calendar. Even if there aren’t any events, the user should still be able to scroll through all the months if they way.
If I navigate to the February calendar, the link to March >> does not appear so they can’t return to the month they were just viewing.
I suspect this is a bug to do with a month with NO events.
I’m also getting the following messages when loading my current March month-view calendar:
This event has passed.
There were no results found.
There may be times when we don’t have any future events planned. If so, there’s no need to post this message on the Month view.
]]>really best free calendar plugin for wordpress. But I have a problem with the monthly view => clean style
I’ve set “Events per day” to 3 to limit the number of events shown in list view (reduce loading time). There I have the “load more”-button.
If I switch to monthly view and select a day with more than 3 events only 3 events are shown but no “load more”-button
As an example, I have added some dummy-events on 31th October.
Hope you can help me.
Thanks a lot