]]>Let me know if anyone is familiar with importing and exporting.
]]>Everything worked fine except all the thumbnail images for the posts show the “broken image” symbol because timthumb keeps trying to load them from the old blog directory such as this:
Why does timthumb insist on loading images from the blog directory? How do you make timthumb work with the current site settings? I haven’t found a solution to this anywhere on the internet. I’m so discouraged at how many hours I’ve wasted trying to fix this. PLEASE HELP!
WP 3.4.2 and Timthumb 2.8.11
]]>When I goto the site on the new host after nameserver propagation I am getting redirected to
Why am I being redirected to re-install WP ?
On the old hosting provider the wordpress install resided in a folder called /site which was in the root. So the actual url to the WP site was
This was done via HTACCESS.
To move the site to the new host, I exported the database from PHPMyAdmin
Zipped up the entire site, downloaded the zip file, then uploaded the zip file to the new host, extracted the zip file, imported the database into PHPMyAdmin on the new host.
I edited WP-CONFIG.PHP to reflect the new hosts database, database user, database password and database server host.
The database tables had a prefix of Truewp_ on the old host and I verified that they still have this on the new host.
Additionally, the W3 Super Cache was runnign on the old host, however I disabled the plugin and removed the setting from WP-CONFIG.php before moving the site to the new host.
What could be causing this to go to the WP install page?
]]>I am not a programmer. please guide me how to deal with this.
]]>our client has a site running on WordPress 3.2.1 , and they are moving from their current host to us. Our server is a PLESK server.
I’ve done a database back up following the instructions on and downloaded all the files from the original server.
I’ve now published all the files up to our server, updated wp-config.php with the database info of our server, and imported the database, which loaded in fine, no errors.
So when I try to load the site, I get an error
Unable to create directory /content/Hosting/c/o/ Is it’s parent directory writable by the server?
Now that path seems to be what was used on the old server (the directory ‘web’ was definitely part of the old servers file structure, web is where all the files for wordpress were located)
please can someone help out here.
I’ve tried doing a clean install of wordpress on our box and then uploading the database, I just get a 404 error on the home page. I tried exporting from the old wordpress and importing into the new one, fail – 404 , missing files / pages.
Following the instructions on moving, this really should be straightforward, download, upload files, update wp-config.php, import database.
I have done that, but I’m getting the error above.
Really appreciate any assistance.
Many thanks
, there have no field to store page template, So is it a BUG? or how to handle it>
Many thx.
Yuli Chika
I can fiddle around WordPress ok but server/host stuff is beyond me. I don’t even know what terms to use or what is going on. Someone else was supposed to be moving this site for him but now that’s not happening. I worked on the site, but wasn’t involved in any of the server/hosting stuff.
The new host for the site (same domain) does not have cpanel?!?! I thought all hosts had cpanel. So every tutorial and guide I can find has the user going through cpanel and/or phpMyAdmin to import the sql db backup.
The sql db backup is in the folder of everything that was downloaded from old host.
We have ftp access to the new site and wp-admin access, but no cpanel. So I’m confused. I’ve been trying to help for a few days now and my head hurts. I’m only getting more confused.
]]>Now I ‘m changing my server and, since I’ve to backup all my work, I would like to install WordPress 3.0.1 as multisite in the new one and put all the old content in it.
My fears are the script doens’t reconize the folders structure and the database.
Once installed wp3 and setup as network in the new server,
copyng the files from the old to the new server and export/inport database is enough?
Does it better use the export/inport wordpress tools or backup my Mysql database?
I really appreciate yor help…
Have a nice day!
I have moved the blog from one server to another and changed the site URL, all works perfectly, the only issue I have is that the CSS file for the NextGen Gallery (ngg_k2.css) is still being picked up from the old server?
Many Thanks