Our Editors said they can’t delete their post, missing “Move to trash” button.
Same thing happened with CPT posts too.
What is going on?
]]>{ $wp_admin_bar->add_node(
array( 'id' => 'delete',
'title' => __('Move to Trash'),
'href' => get_delete_post_link($current_object->term_id) ) );
What I don’t know how to do is execute additional commands. Is there a way that I can get this link to execute a subroutine of some kind, rather than a single href link?
]]>I have installed the plugin and added a short list of urls that needed to be deleted.
I selected Move to Trash, but it deleted the posts permanently and it is not seen in the database.
I also purchased your Posts in Trash and can’t see the posts there.
Thank you in advance,
Any idea what is causing this problem? It has always worked before
]]>I can’t find any reason for why that would be the case and I haven’t found anything relevant about this problem. Does anyone have any idea what I need to do to add that option back in for custom post types? What exactly is missing?
We still can move them individually, but the client got a bunch of stuff to delete/trash and that option was a life saver.
Any help would be appreciated.
Picture : https://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz97/SpiritOfTheWinds/Move%20to%20trash%20missing_zpsukvjnlyz.png~original
]]>When creating a new post the link “Move to Trash” next to the “Publish” button is gone.
I can’t create new users because it says “Cheatin huh?”
I can’t delete comments because the check box next to the comment is not there. I can’t select a comment to do anything with it. The commands “Approve, Reply, Quick Edit” etc. don’t even show up when I hover over things.
I have switched out of my theme to 2014 and 2013. I’ve disabled plugins. I’ve replaced all of the core WP stuff. I’ve cleared my cache, AND I’ve brushed my teeth twice a day and flossed!
Anybody have any ideas?
https://impactevansville.org/ Currently has my theme and it may have some plugins on it, but that’s just to keep it looking good while I’m working on it. I’ve tried all of those standard troubleshooting steps to no avail.
I’d like to have a confirm dialog if somebody clicks on “move_to_trash”.
Right now I am able to react to the click with the help of JQuery and can interrupt the “move_to_trash” process with either an alert or a confirm() message.
function confirm_delete() {
<script language="javascript">
var $j=jQuery.noConflict();
return confirm("Do you really want to...")
$j("#submitpost #ajax-loading, #submitpost .ajax-loading").hide()
Thats how the function is called:
add_action('admin_footer', array($this, 'confirm_delete'));
The problem is that I need other buttons than “OK” and “Cancel” and therefore the JQuery modal dialog came to my mind.
Unfortunately I was not able to realize it within wordpress. The dialog will not display at all which might be due to my non-existing JQuery skills.
Any help is appreciated!
Best regards,