Towards bottom of page the questions are …
I have read and understand the privacy policy.*
Yes No
View Privacy Policy in new window
Do you have a degree?*
Yes No
What am I doing wrong?
]]>I hope i’ll be able to explain clearly
I’m trying to create a FAQ on my website and can’t seem to be able to add mutliple expand arrows on the same page without them hanging togheter without any line breaks or ”enter” lines.
I tried using the <div> for my text portions, < br > and   in text mode saving just after. That kind of works, but it creates random spacing (sometimes correct, other times twice the space i need).
I then went back in visual mode trying to add manual”return” and my spacing went bye bye hehe. that doesn’t work.
I read the documentation but can’t seem to put my finger on it or find my answer. Is there something i’m missing? I’m sure it’s something so simple..
Thanks in advance!
]]>Both have different codes to paste in de Calender URL area in the widget options.
I have already tried to put one URL in the first box and the other in the box that says “Calendar URL 2 (Optional)” but that does not do the trick.
Can anyone help me getting this done?
]]>I know I could just install it on the main page and do categories but I want my entries to be sorted into those categories in the first place, rather than on the home page all entries are seen and then having to click to get them seperate. I hope someone get’s what I mean? Thanks for any help :]
]]>This is the first part of the code:
if ( have_posts() ) :
?><h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2><?php
?>Someone Broke the About Page<?php
That works perfectly fine! Now I do this
$posts = get_posts( 'numberposts=2' );
foreach ($posts as $post) :
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
Posted <?php the_date() ?>
- Comments (<?php comments_number(); ?>)
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
And while the dates, comment count, excerpt all work perfectly, the_ID never echos, the_title always gives me the title of the Page, not the post, and same for the permalink.
Right now I have circumvented this issue by accessing properties of the $post object directly (guid, post_title, and ID) but I believe if I do it like so, plugins won’t be able to hook onto it because I’m not calling the hook, correct?
So what am I doing wrong? Or is this a bug? Is there a better workaround?
Many Thanks