I also thought that in another support thread, I saw that all day events were consolidated in mobile view, but I don’t see that consolidation (or maybe I misunderstood the meaning).
The shortcode:
[ics_calendar url=”https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/c_l5n54270jdklcs5gsf13oiem6k%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics” view=”month” tz=”America/Denver” eventdesc=”false” location=”true” organizer=”true” attach=”true” hidealldayindicator=”true” nomobile=”false” maskinfo=”Unavailable” columnlabels=”short” pastdays=”180″ monthnav=”both”]
Thanks! Loving this plugin!
]]>I have a list view of a group calendar to show events for the current day. The list view is only showing events that begin on the current day, rather than multi-day events that overlap the current day, but commenced on a previous day. Curious if there’s a setting that I’m missing on the free version to remedy this issue?
Thanks so much!
The above screenshot hopefully illustrates the problem. The red arrows point to one continuous event and the purple arrows point to another. To fix the display, we’d need to swap the order of the two events displayed on the 12th and 13th of December.
Is this possible, and how would we go about it? Also if this is only possible with the Pro version, then please let me know as well, as we need to find a solution, even if it means purchasing the pro version. But I don’t want to purchase the Pro version if it won’t resolve this issue.
Thank you, I appreciate any assistance we can get with this issue.
]]>This is my fourth request after completing your contact form three times in the past weeks with no response. Is it working at all? I hope through this way you can look into this issue:
I have purchased the pro version and would like to show start and end date of multi day events in the events listing. Right now the multi day events look likt one day events because only the start date is shown. This is the main reason we bought pro and I can not get it to work. Can you please explain to me how to do this?
this is a reopening of the following ticket: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/list-display-multiple-days-events/
I am having this problem and I can’t find the solution to it in the post.
My problem is as described in the old post: I have a multi-day event which last for example for 3 weeks. I have the option to show the event once (on the first day of the event) or for every day (which would give me 21 entries in the list view – not very handy).
Going with the one-show-up option, the event disappears after the first day of the event’s passed. Is there any way to keep the event in the list until the last day?
Your help is greatly appreciated
]]>I have multi day events, but only first date is showing on Month view. How can I set the calendar to show all dates?