You can see it on the default 2023 WordPress theme. When adding the [give_multi_form_goal] shortcode with form ids there is an error and website crashes
There is the following error:
fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of Give\MultiFormGoals\ProgressBar\Model::getForms() must be of the type array, bool returned in C:\OpenServer\domains\test\wp-content\plugins\give\src\MultiFormGoals\ProgressBar\Model.php:81
Stack trace: 0 C:\OpenServer\domains\test\wp-content\plugins\give\src\MultiFormGoals\ProgressBar\Model.php(138): Give\MultiFormGoals\ProgressBar\Model->getForms() 1 C:\OpenServer\domains\test\wp-content\plugins\give\src\MultiFormGoals\resources\views\progressbar.php(19): Give\MultiFormGoals\ProgressBar\Model->getTotal() 2 C:\OpenServer\domains\test\wp-content\plugins\give\src\MultiFormGoals\ProgressBar\Model.php(112): require(‘C:\OpenServer\d…’) 3 C:\OpenServer\domains\test\wp-content\plugins\give\src\MultiFormGoals\MultiFormGoal\Model.php(112): Give\MultiFormGoals\ProgressBar\Model->getOutput() 4 C:\OpenServer\domains\test\wp-content\plugins\give\src\MultiFormGoals\resources\views\multiformgoal.php(30): Give\MultiFormGoals\MultiFormGoal\Model->getProgressBarOut in …plugins\give\src\MultiFormGoals\ProgressBar\Model.php on line 81
I tried adding hide/show text, which actually worked, but if the parent doesn’t add another child the form still requires those fields (all form fields are required). So the alternative is to just add another form url.
]]>Full Name: Testing7
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: 828-308-6616
Zip Code: [zipCode]
Home Type: [HomeType]
Credit profile: [Creditprofile]
Is this your first property purchases?[Isthisyourfirstpropertypurchases]
Current property purchase situation: [Currentpropertypurchasesituation]
Property will be usded for: [Propertywillbeusdedfor]
Purchased Price of new property:[Purchasepriceofnewproperty]
Estimated down payment: [Estimateddownpayment]
Type of rate desired: [Typeofratedesired]
Gross annual household income? [Grossannualhouseholdincome]
Employment status: [Employmentstatus] Filled bankruptcy last 3 years? [Filledbankruptcylast3years] Can you show proof of income? [Canyoushowproofofincome] Working with a real estate agent? [Workingwitharealestateagent]
1. Will I be able to create a multi step registration page.
2. Will I be able to add a confirm email field to have the registrant input the email 2x.
3. Does this process work with the WordPress email authentication process or do i have to create the authentication email?
Thank you for your time, I am anxious to hear your response to see if the pro version will address my current website needs.
]]>For example, I am looking to do a ‘Free Sample’ Campaign that will be broken up into a few pages, with the final page accepting payment.
Page 1- Name and Email
2 – Address Collection
3 – Info Page
4 – Checkout
Is something like this achievable with this plugin?