I’m using this plugin for Friendly Captcha on my WP site together with Gravity Forms. When using the captcha in a simple single-page form, everything works fine. But when I try to integrate the captcha on the last page of a multi-page-form, it isn’t working anymore. This means, that there is only the surrounding border of the widget visible, but no content or captcha functionality.
Any ideas how this could be fixed?
]]>Can I set a multi-page forms so that after clicking on images checkbox immediately jumps to the next form page.
So that I do not have to click extra on the “next” button.
This is what a customer of mine needs.
Thanks for an answer.
i have a multi page form with 7 pages. Now i have the problem, that i need to insert new content before these 7 pages as “page 1” – total 8 afterwards. The problem is, it would take lots of time to move all the content with drag & drop from one page to another to free page 1…
1: is there a way to add multi form pages inbetween existing pages?
2: is it possible to move pages or rearrange them?
Thank you,
best regards
Form Maker by WD does all of these things and more! Could not be more satisfied with the product. As an added bonus, we had two minor issues setting up and using the form. One it turns out was a user-error but the other actually required a minor CSS fix. In both cases, the support team was very responsive (responded to the initial inquiry within one-hour) and stayed engaged until the issue was fully resolved.
]]>I have added a menu at the top, so that a participant, returning to update his form, using his link, can go to the page he wants to edit.
I would like to add a second submit button to the page, so that he can save the page he has changed and stay on it to see the changes, before navigating to another page of his choice.
When saving the page, he would not necessarily want to move to the next page, but I would like to leave this button for a participant initially stepping through the form.
Is this possible please and if so, how do I do it.
I have tried adding a button and tried to overwriting the action command, but I cant get anything to work. Everything I have tried still steps to the next page.
Thank you