The author box also reads as “#molongui-multiauthor-link%7c%7c%7chttp%7c%7c//roar
This link only leads to author 1’s page, however.
The listed author names also all have an “and” affixed to them, i.e. “Author 1 and Author 2 and Author 3”
]]>For the part of several authors, I created a guest author entry with the two authors, so I can add the two biographies, because of the other way, by registered author and author guest, they are associated, and in the post of the guest author it takes to the link of both with the bio of the first one.
And there would be the part of adding the tags to Generate Press.
]]>I’m currently using the following in my blogpost footer:
<div class="autorbox">
<?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), 40 ); ?> <?php the_author() ?>
Now I’d like to add the co-author and display their image as well…I saw the FAQ page etc., but to be honest I’m still not sure how to make it work so it displays not only the name, but also the thumbnail of the co-author.
Help me, please
]]>This functionality would be similar to Pinterest in that every author has their own “boards” or “collections” they create and publish to but no other authors would be able to publish to them.
The “boards” or “collections” would be publicly viewable though
These could be the standard WordPress categories, but then my goal is to make it so if an author creates a new category, no one else could use that category.
]]>I’m still working out some details and one of the main features of the blog is that some posts have multiple authors. For this I used the Co_Authors Plus Plugin.
The problem is that only the bio for the first author shows. I can’t figure out where I would go from there to have multiple bios show.
Any help is appreciated and thanks again for an awesome plugin!
]]>Something like the Fancier Author Box ( or, but all on one page, not after each post.
I can’t seem to find a plugin that does this. Help?
There will be around 14 authors in total.