But there is one thing I can not figure out… I am using the list-view display for a Google Calendar and multiday events are displayed for each single day. Is there an option to list the event just once?
What I would like to see (symbolical):
Monday – Wednesday
What I see instead (symbolical):
I could not find the answer so far, neither in the documentation nor in this forum (there was the same question once, 1 year and 2 months ago by brothersimon, but it was not answered). So thanks for your support!
]]>Thank you for the wonderful plugin! We use it to provid users a possbility to submit events on our website. Unfortunately the users are confused by settings of “recurring events”, so we had to switch it off. But it is still possible to set single day or long events (multi-day).
I’m wondering if it is possible to display long events (sometimes also refered to as “multiday” or “ongoing” events) on all days of an event list. At the moment a long event is only displayed on starting date and not the following days. E.g. we have a long event “test title” lasting from 10.11.2019 to 12.11.2019 and on each day from 9am to 5pm. At the moment the event will only show up on 10.11.2019 9am to 5pm. There is no such event on 11. and 12.
I’ve searched the forum and the EM snippets but can not find a solution to this. Or is the only solution to convert this event to a recurring one? E.g. “test title” is recurring each day from 10. to 12.11.2019?
Thank you in advance for your reply!
]]>On a website that I maintain I use the tribe_get_events function to retrieve an event for a given date (to create a link in a calendar to the event page). This was working fine for a while but at some point (i’m not sure when) it stopped working for multi-day events. It’s still fine for single day events, If I change a multiday event to start and end on the same day it shows up
Here’s the code that I’m using…
// Retrieve one event on date
$events = tribe_get_events( [
'eventDisplay' => 'custom',
'start_date' => $searchDate.' 00:01',
'end_date' => $searchDate.' 23:59',
'posts_per_page' => 1
] );
As I understand it, this should return any active events between the two dates, and it was working fine for a while. I’ve tried lots of variations (with without dates), and have confirmed that it’s returning 0 results. Any suggestions?
]]>Please provide info on how to span dates or update the plugin to allow one to do this. Thank you.
]]>I use your plugin in my news site – https://noticiasdozezere.pt – and have multiday events, but this events disappear in first day and I need who disappear only in last day.
]]>Basically similar to the image linked below where “Long event” is a multi-day entry that looks like a long bar.
]]>If you go our Calendar:
Then go to July there is an event called “Summer Surge” on Monday July 18th. If you mouse over the event, you’ll see that the event actually goes from Monday, July 18th – July 21 (All Day).
Our events are imported from iCal. In iCal, the event is showing properly and all of the event details seem to have been imported correctly. However, the event is only showing on Monday and I’d like for it to show for all 4 days of the event. Thank you.
]]>B?rjar: 13 juni kl?rdag 10:00
Slutar: 14 juni ks?ndag 15:00
Weired guess: in swedish the abbreviation for “at” 10:00 is “kl” 10:00. Could explain “kl?rdag” (=ksaturday) but not “ks?ndag”…
I′ve looked into details.php
Guess it has to do with $start_datetime
But my knowledge stops there
Any ideas?