I’m building a form in cff and here is the situation:
There are 4 numeric fields and the user is free to choose any of them to fill. But if the user fills all of them, an extra cost will be added (which is calculated in fieldname5). So there are 4 conditional statements. If their values are greater than zero, then return the value of fieldname5, otherwise return 0.
This is what i’ve written in cff equation but doesn’t work:
Seems like my conditional statement is wrong but I don’t know how to fix it.
]]>Can you please help me in making a condition..
I’ve some restricted content for public but only paid customers can access it.
if users are trying to open “paid content” then…
if users are (not-logged-in).. they should be redirected to login screen (I can do it).
if users are (logged-in and paid-user) .. they will be redirected to “Paid Content”
if users are (logged-in and not-paid-users)..they will be redirected to “payment page”
accessing-To (paid-content)
redirect to ( login page ) (i could only do it)
if(logged-in && paid-users)
continue-to (paid-content)
if(logged-in && not-paid-user)
redirect-to (payment page)
Thank you.
]]>I also tried this:
[pods name=…. where=”groep.post_title='{@post.page_id}’”] which also works fine. (I use that special magic tag to get the location)
But when I put them together like this:
[pods name=…. where=”groep.post_title='{@post.page_id} AND CAST(post_date as DATE) BETWEEN ‘2019/12/31’ and CURDATE()’”] it doesn’t work!?
Both are true on the same pod but whatever I try, I can’t seem to get it to work. Any ideas?
]]>The conditional functionality your plugin brings to CF7 is much appreciated. I do have a question, though, as I’m working on a project involving the need for conditional fields in a form, and I’ve decided to go with CF7 with your plugin as a solution. I’m almost halfway into building my form when I have suddenly bumped into a case where I must allow any of four checkboxes within a group to show only if at least one of the other three are unchecked. This isn’t possible with multiple conditions using only the AND operator. I’m in need of OR, and so I checked out the features in the Pro version of your plugin to see if upgrading to Pro would introduce OR to the conditional fields functionality. From what I’ve read, I’ve seen nothing specific that states that OR is included, so I just thought I’d ask you personally. Can I use OR if I upgrade to Pro? If not, or if you’re unaware of any other workaround solution with CF7, I may have to ditch CF7 in favour of another solution.
]]>IF(fieldname3<30 AND fieldname3>=20, 55.8, IF(fieldname3<40 AND fieldname3>=30, 46.3, IF(fieldname3<50 AND fieldname3>=40, 36.8, IF(fieldname3<60 AND fieldname3>=50, 27.7, IF(fieldname3<70 AND fieldname3>=60, 19.3, IF(fieldname3<80 AND fieldname3>=70, 12.1, IF(fieldname3<90 AND fieldname3>=80, 6.5, 0)))))))
Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.
]]>If cell b3 is greater than 19 but less than 31, return cell 164, otherwise if cell b3 is greater than 30 but less than 41, return cell i74, and so on:
=IF(31>B3>19,I64, IF(41>B3>30,I74, IF(51>B3>40,I84, IF(61>B3>50,I94, IF(71>B3>60,I104, IF(81>B3>70,I114, IF(90>B3>80,I124)))))))
The message I get is: ERROR illegal character ‘&’